
  1. 当然这样的房屋租金比市场价格低得多。

    Of course , rental fees for such housing are much below the market prices .

  2. 因为我的房间比较大,我付的租金比其他房客高。

    I pay a higher rent than the other tenants because my room is bigger .

  3. M:在我看来,租金比其他地方贵多了。

    M : In my opinion , the rent is far more expensive than that in other areas .

  4. 这儿的租金比我在纽约市每个月花费的计程车费还少。

    The rent is less than what I used to pay in New York City for taxi fare every month .

  5. 它们从未跌到过与长期房价租金比和房价收入比相一致的水平,这两项是衡量房地产市场相对低估或高估的可靠指标。

    They never fell to the levels consistent with long-term price-to-rent and price-to-income ratios , which are reliable metrics of the property markets ' relative under - or over-valuation .

  6. 在观察房价时,只要看一看房价租金比、房价收入比、房屋销量和信贷统计,你就能了解你需要了解的一切。

    When looking at house prices , just look at price-to-rent and the Price-to-income ratios , sales volumes and credit statistics , and you know everything you need to know .

  7. 本文以常被用作房地产泡沫测度指标的房价租金比为切入点,从住房买卖市场和住房租赁市场的差别角度对泡沫研究进行了有效补充。

    This paper puts emphasis on House price-Rental ratio , which is often used as a measurement index of real estate bubble ; It is an effective supplement for the bubble study .

  8. 布里克菲尔德的建设得到了国家补贴,这里30%的公寓留给贫穷租户,他们支付的租金比市场价格低20%。

    Brickfields was built with the help of a state subsidy and 30 per cent of flats are set aside for poor tenants who pay rents 20 per cent below the market rate .

  9. 在他看来,我们或许还未曾看到1997至2007年房地产泡沫所造成的失衡状况彻底得以修正,如不断下降的购房能力以及飞涨的房价租金比。

    In his view , we might not yet have witnessed a full correction of some of the imbalance that the 1997-2007 housing bubble created , such as decreasing affordability or surging price-to-rent ratios .

  10. 近几年,我国各城市的房价租金比明显偏高,有关于房地产市场是否存在泡沫的讨论不绝于耳。

    House price-Rental ratio is significantly high in most cities in China in recent years . The argue about whether there is bubble in the real estate market or not is on debate without end .

  11. 拜德表示,根据房价/租金比之类的指标,房价已接近公平价值,但更重要的是看总体经济复苏状况。

    Based on measures such as the ratio of prices to rents , housing was somewhere close to fair value , MS Bhide said , but it was more important to look at the overall health of the recovery .

  12. 业主提供给你的最后租金已经比市场平均租价低了。

    The final rent that the landlord has offered is already below the market rate .

  13. 经过连年上涨,北京的写字楼租金如今比曼哈顿中心区还贵。

    Years of price rises have made office rents in Beijing more expensive than in midtown Manhattan .

  14. 杰尼亚估计租金只比长期租住多出15%。

    Zegna estimates that the rental cost was just 15 per cent more than that of a long-term let .

  15. 租金房价比是衡量一个城市的房地产市场的国际标准。处于1:200到1:100之间的比率是房地产市场健康的信号。

    The rent-price ratio is international criteria in evaluating a city 's property market , and a ratio between 1:200 and 1:100 would signal a healthy market .

  16. 一家名为中原地产的房地产公司的首席市场分析师张大伟表示,过低的租金房价比会影响租赁市场的发展。

    The excessively low rent-price ratio affects the development of the rental market , said Zhang Dawei , chief market analyst of Centaline , a real estate company .

  17. 中国其他城市的写字楼租金虽然比北京低,但上涨的趋势却是一样的,从金融中心上海到西部城市成都,许多城市的写字楼租金都大幅上涨。

    While costs elsewhere in China are lower , the trend has been similar . From the financial centre of Shanghai to cities such as Chengdu in the west , office rents have been soaring .

  18. 这个地区的物价更高一些例如,公寓的月租金可能至少比马萨诸塞大道上的建筑高出500美元,但这里距离nationalmall、大量免费博物馆和莎士比亚剧院公司(shakespearetheatrecompany)更近。

    A slightly more expensive area where rented apartments , for example , probably command at least a $ 500-a-month premium over the buildings along Massachusetts Avenue it is even closer to the National Mall , a plethora of free museums and the Shakespeare Theatre Company .

  19. 过去的数十年间,在美国租金涨幅远比租赁者的收入涨幅快得多,租赁者的支付能力已经变成是一个普遍的问题。

    Over the past few decades , rental affordability has become a widespread problem in the U.S.as rent levels grew faster than renter income .

  20. 分析表明,租金损失会比普遍预期的要少得多,因为高生产成本吞噬了对高价格市场的优惠准入可能带来的大部分收益。

    The analysis shows that losses in rents would be much less than is commonly expected , as high production costs eat up much of the potential benefit from preferential access to the high-price markets .

  21. 如果在西方国家,人们由于缺乏一大笔存款而无力买房,许多人可能会被迫去租房,其支付的租金也不比房贷少。

    If , in the west , people are unable to buy a property because of the need for a big deposit , many may be forced to rent , paying as much as , if not more , than on a mortgage .

  22. 新租约只能是业主和租户签署的新书面租赁合约。对现有的租户,租金仍然是被管制的,而且续租的租金水平必须要比得上当地那些相似的住房。

    A new Tenancy shall only be created by a fresh tenancy agreement in writing signed by the Landlord and the Tenant . For existing tenancies , rents are still regulated , and renewals must stay at a level comparable with those for similar dwellings in the locality .