
ɡāo xīn jì shù chǎn yè
  • High tech industry;new and high-tech industry
  1. 温州高新技术产业发展的基本条件及其战略重点

    The Fundamental Condition and Strategic Priority of Wenzhou New and High-tech Industry Development

  2. 积极财政政策与高新技术产业发展

    Positive Financial Policy and New and High-tech Industry Development

  3. 应对WTO挑战加快发展农业高新技术产业

    Confronting the Challenge From WTO Entry and Accelerating the Development of Agro-sci-tech Industry

  4. 结果表明FDI加快了我国重工业的发展,而对高新技术产业的发展的作用不明显。

    Results show that FDI accelerates the development of heavy industry , while the role of high-tech industry is not very clear .

  5. 随着WTO规则的实施和全球生产转移效应的日益显现,高新技术产业加工贸易蔚然兴起,加工贸易对发展中国家产业升级的促进作用相应增强。

    Following the implementation of WTO rules , and the effect of global production transfer appearing increasingly , processing trade of high technology industry is developing prosperously , which enhances accordingly the promoting effect of processing trade on industrial upgrading of developing countries .

  6. 加入WTO后,中国的高新技术产业迎来了二次创业的挑战,如何完成二次创业的蜕变,推进高新产业的可持续发展已成为当今社会的研究热点。

    After China 's Entry into WTO , the high-tech industry in China meets serious challenges in the second pioneering work . How to finish the transformation of the second pioneering work and obtain sustainable development has become a hot issue in our present society .

  7. 本文采用比较分析方法进行定性分析,辅以图表说明与定量分析,分析我国Bt棉种子产业化的影响因素与运行机制,为今后农业高新技术产业化理论研究提供实证经验支持。

    This paper applying comparing analysis , qualitative analysis , charts and quantitative analysis , analyzes the influencing factors of Bt cottonseed industrialization and its effective mechanism to provide demonstration experience for the researches of agricultural high-tech industrialization .

  8. ICT(信息与通信技术)产业是高新技术产业的一个重要分支,它是IT与通信技术不断融合的产物,已成为衡量一个国家发展水平和综合国力的重要标志。

    ICT industry which is the abbreviation of information and communication industry is an important branch of the high and new technology industry . ICT industry syncretized by communication technology and information technology has become a vital symbol to scale the development level and overall capacity of a country .

  9. 高新技术产业融资模式分析与研究

    The Analysis and Research of the Financing Mode in Hi-tech Industry

  10. 高新技术产业融资渠道的国际比较和实证分析

    Financing Channels for High-tech Industry : International Comparisons and Empirical Analysis

  11. 高新技术产业集聚与城市化存在互动机制。

    The mutual dynamics exists between Hi-Tech industry cluster and urbanization .

  12. 经济与环境的可持续发展与城市规划的本源&浅析高新技术产业区项目策划与生态规划

    Sustainable Development of Economy and Environment and Origin of City Planning

  13. 知识经济与发展高新技术产业

    Knowledge - based Economy and Development of Hi and New-tech Industry

  14. 上海市高新技术产业投入产出效益分析

    The Evaluation and Analysis of Input-Output Efficiency in Shanghai High-Tech Industry

  15. 成都高新技术产业开发区企业集群研究

    The Research on Enterprise Clusters of Chengdu Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone

  16. 论风险投资与重庆市高新技术产业发展

    On Risk Investment and the Development of Hi-tech Industry of Chongqing

  17. 基于物元可拓分析的高新技术产业安全研究

    The Evaluation of Security for Hi-tech Industry Based on Hierarchy Method

  18. 风险投资、高新技术产业与技术创新的实证研究

    Positive Study on Venture Capital , High-tech Industries and Technology Innovation

  19. 我国高新技术产业融资制度创新研究

    On the Innovation of Financing Institution in High-tech Industry of China

  20. 实施火炬计划发展高新技术产业

    Implement the torch project and develop hi - Technical Industry

  21. 二是继续鼓励外商投资高新技术产业;

    Still encouraging foreign investor to invest in high and new-technology industries .

  22. 人才需求特征与高新技术产业增长的相关性研究

    Talent requirement characteristicss and new hi-tech industry growth relative research

  23. 成都高新技术产业集群发展研究

    The Research on the Development of Chengdu High-Tech Industrial Cluster

  24. 现代农业与新型的城乡关系&国家杨凌农业高新技术产业示范区规划实践的启示

    Modern Agriculture and New Style of Urban - Countryside Relationship

  25. 因此,对高新技术产业政策评估进行系统研究就有了理论意义和现实的指导意义。

    So it is meaningful for research policy-evaluating of hi-tech industry systems .

  26. 北京高新技术产业政策体系建设的历史及其特点

    The Formation and Characteristics of High-Tech Industry Policies in Beijing

  27. 基于网络理论的高新技术产业集群演化机理研究

    The Research of High-tech Industry Evolution Mechanism Cluster Based on Network Theory

  28. 高新技术产业化项目评价风险分析

    Risk Analysis in Evaluation of Commercialization of Advanced High Technology

  29. 中国高新技术产业税收优惠政策实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Tax Preference Policies for Hi-tech Industry in China

  30. 高新技术产业政策体系的运行机制与效力分析

    The operation mechanism and effectiveness analysis of high technical industrial policy system