
  • 网络Vacancy rate;vacant rate
  1. 根据经济分析法的要求,本文从指标体系中选取了房地产投资占GDP的比重、空置率指标、房价收入比指标、房价增长率/GDP增长率来对房地产投资风险进行测度。

    According to the requirements of economic analysis , this indicator system is selected from the real estate investment share of GDP , the vacancy rate index , price earnings ratio index , house prices growth rate / GDP growth rate to measure risk in real estate investment .

  2. 从空置率攀升中脱险其优点为:降低不必要的住院率;

    Great Escape in Soaring of Vacancy Rate The expected advantages are as follows .

  3. 中国西南财经大学(SouthwesternUniversityofFinanceandEconomics)6月份的一项调查报告显示,2013年中国城镇地区整体住房空置率超过20%,而截至今年8月份,空置住房占据了4.2万亿元(约6740亿美元)的住房贷款余额。

    A survey by China 's Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in June said that more that 20 % of homes in urban areas were actually vacant , while as of August , around $ 674 billion was owed on empty properties .

  4. 它提到了标的池中最大一笔的贷款加州buenapark镇某购物中心的抵押贷款,称该商场摊位空置率过高,商场内影院的电影票销量持续下滑。

    It singled out the largest loan in the underlying pool , a mortgage on a retail Park in Buena Park , California , saying it had too many vacant lots and the cinema there was suffering declining ticket sales .

  5. 澳大利亚国民银行首席经济学家欧思濂(AlanOster)表示,外国需求减少很可能反映的是供应过剩,尤其是在墨尔本市场——墨尔本市中心公寓空置率高达30%。

    Alan Oster , NAB 's chief economist , said the reduced foreign demand probably reflected oversupply , particularly in the Melbourne market where up to 30 per cent of city centre apartments were unoccupied .

  6. 地产集团世邦魏理仕(CBRichardEllis)最近发布的报告称,今年头3个月,北京写字楼的空置率仍高达21%,尽管这已低于去年的水平。

    A recent report from CB Richard Ellis , the property group , claims that vacancy levels in Beijing offices were still high in the first three months of the year at 21 per cent , although they declined from the previous year .

  7. 惠誉估计,如果北京方面着力解决房地产过度供应问题,使住房空置率从当前的28%回落到2008年的水平,那么GDP增长可能降至4%左右的水平——这已符合大多数人对“硬着陆”的定义。

    Fitch estimates that if efforts to reduce an oversupply of real estate brought the number of vacant properties back to 2008 levels from its current level of about 28 per cent , it would haul GDP growth back to around 4 per cent - in line with most people 's definition of a " hard landing . "

  8. 尽管经济仍起伏不定,旅游已踏上复苏之路:最新的TripAdvisor行业指数显示,空置率已下降,47%的美国酒店经营商预计今年秋季房价将高于去年。

    Despite the shaky economy , travel has been staging a comeback : vacancy rates have dropped , and 47 % of U.S. hoteliers expect higher rates this fall compared with last year , according to the latest TripAdvisor industry index .

  9. 何种原因造成商品房空置率与房价同时高扬?

    Commercial housing vacancy rate and what causes prices while vigor ?

  10. 本预警系统选取空置率为警情指标。

    This early warning system selects vacancy rate for sentiment target .

  11. 致使海南岛内房屋空置率极高。

    So , these housing Vacancy Rates is very high .

  12. 商品房空置率过高的价格因素分析

    Analyze Priced Factors of High Vacancy Rate of Commodity Houses

  13. 我国城市住宅合理空置率研究

    Research on the Reasonable House Vacancy Rate of Chinese City

  14. 因此,当前必须关注“空置率”这个数据。

    Therefore , we must concern " vacancy rate " of the data .

  15. 房地产市场租金与空置率调整机制研究述评

    Review on Adjustment Mechanism of Rent and Vacancy Rate in Real Estate Market

  16. 我国商品房合理空置率确定的实证研究

    Key Study of Determination of Commodity House Vacancy Rate with Reason in Mainland

  17. 对我国商品房整体空置率的分析与判断

    The analysis and judgment of the all vacancy rate of commercial housing in China

  18. 我国住宅空置率问题研究

    Study on the House Vacancy Rate in China

  19. 投资率和空置率双高近郊房价步入下跌之旅?

    Investment rate and the vacancy rate fell by a double-high suburban house trip ?

  20. 今年的空置率将比较低

    Vacancy rates will be relatively low this year

  21. 据统计,2003年我国已建成的物流园区空置率高达60%。

    It is reported that 60 % of built-up logistics parks are left unused .

  22. 地区出租空置率:12.6%

    Area rental vacancy rate : 12.6 %

  23. 从空置率攀升中脱险

    Great Escape in Soaring of Vacancy Rate

  24. 空置率上升新盘供应锐减北城没法住?

    The vacancy rate rose sharply North City can not supply the new site live ?

  25. 年存量住宅为1.16亿套(户),空置率为5.9%。

    The empty rate was 5.9 % .

  26. 当前商品房空置率高的原因及对策

    The cause of the great rate of idle commercial house at present and its countermeasure

  27. 谈当前房地产业存在的空置率和信贷风险问题及对策

    On the Laid - off Rate and Credit Ris And its solution in Current Real - Estate

  28. 随着经济缓慢复原,房屋空置率下降,国内土地价格及房屋租金也开始上升。

    As the economy slowly recovered , vacancy rates declined and national land prices and rents increased .

  29. 主要就房地产业面临的空置率及房地产信贷风险展开探讨,并对此提出笔者的解决对策。

    This article explores the high laid-off rate and credit rish in current real-estate and its solution .

  30. 在探讨商品住宅空置率计算方法的基础上,给出了空置率改进后的计算方法;

    Based on the discussing the computational method , the improved computational method of vacancy rate is provided ;