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kōnɡ tóu shì chǎnɡ
  • bear market
  1. 而在单调空头市场里CPPI策略与TIPI策略是有效的,CM策略是无效的。

    But in the bear market , the CPPI and TIPI tactics is effective , the CM tactics is noneffective .

  2. 它上涨到几个月的新高,表明在空头市场中多头变得强壮起来。

    It rises to a new multi-month high , showing that bulls are becoming stronger below the surface of the bear market .

  3. 经过两年的空头市场后,我们遭遇九一一恐怖攻击,如今又有恐怖攻击疑虑,再加上企业不法问题。

    Following two years of empty market , we encountered the9.11 terrorist attacks and now face fears of terrorist attacks and corporate misdeeds .

  4. 假如交易者已经转而做多,而且因止损而平仓,那么他要怎样回到空方阵营,继续在空头市场中玩下去?

    Assuming the trader had reversed to long and had been stopped out , how could he have gotten back short in conformity with the ongoing bear trend ?

  5. 多头市场和空头市场分别描述的是上升市场行情和下跌市场行情,可指整个市场或指特定行业板块或特定股票。

    The terms bull market and bear market describe upward and downward market trends , respectively , and can be used to describe either the market as a whole or specific sectors and securities .

  6. 在股市空头市场时期,内部股东质押比率愈高,愈会努力提升企业经营绩效,符合利益收敛假说之论点。

    If the insider 's pledge ratio is high under the bear market , Insider is willing to make more effects in enhancing enterprise 's performance , which is in-conformity with the Convergence of Interest Hypothesis .