
  1. 苏州市职业教育与劳动力市场协调发展的研究

    On the Harmonious Development between Vocational Education and the Labor Market in Suzhou City

  2. 职业信息是劳动力市场实现就业的基础性资源,职业信息的获取直接影响了新生代农民工的就业。

    Occupation information is a basic resource to obtain jobs in the labor market .

  3. 从职业层面分割劳动力市场,国外的研究比较多见,在一些发达国家和发展国家都得到验证。

    Researching that the labor market splited from professional level have been verified in some developed and developing countries .

  4. 第二部分是对职业培训与劳动力市场有关政策进行分析,从政策层面介绍我国开展职业培训的制度变迁。

    The second part analyses the relevant policies of vocational training and labor market and then introduces the potential policy tendency in vocational training .

  5. 如何加强职业教育与劳动力市场的联系,使职校毕业生能充分就业,促进职业教育的可持续发展,是笔者在本文中思考的问题。

    How to strengthen the linkage of TVET and labor market ? Let the TVET graduate to full employment , to promote TVET development sustainable , such problems are the author considering in this paper .

  6. 社会结构主要有阶层结构、职业结构、劳动力市场结构,这些社会结构对职业教育的影响只是潜在的,它通过干预个体选择来影响职业教育发展。

    The social structure comprises the class-level structure , vocational structure and labor market structure . These structures just have potential influences to the vocational education . They effect the development of vocational education by intervening in individual choices .

  7. 而且这个职业应该是符合劳动力市场发展趋势的,最起码不要反其道而行之。

    The right career should fit with trends in the labor market , or at least not directly oppose them .

  8. 第二部分,介绍人力资本投资理论、职业搜寻理论、劳动力市场分割理论。

    The second part describes the theory of human capital investment , theory of job search , theory of labor market segmentation .

  9. 随着人才供求机制的日益市场化,职业指导逐渐成为劳动力市场不可缺少的调节和引导手段。

    With the system of talented person supply and demand gradual becoming market-oriented , the vocational guide becomes essential adjustment means of labour market .

  10. 这就需要我们充分利用不同教育形式的特点,合理地分配教育资源,开展不同内容和层次的职业培训,满足劳动力市场的多样化、高层次的需求。

    This needs us to use a reasonable distribution of education resources and different educational forms to develop vocational training of different contents and levels so as to satisfy the various and high-level needs of labor market .

  11. 在美国,最重要的劳动力市场就是职业经理人市场,并且美国等西方国家的企业实践证实了有效的职业经理人市场对于劳动力市场的完善和现代企业制度的建立具有重大的促进作用。

    Experiences of enterprises in western countries , such as the United States , have proved that an effective professional manager market plays a vital role in facilitating the improvement of the labor market and the establishment of modern enterprise systems .