
zhí yè quán jī
  • Professional boxing;prizefighting
  1. 职业拳击选手为争得现金奖励而进行的比赛。

    A boxing match between professional boxers for a cash prize .

  2. 凯文从来没有看过一场职业拳击。

    Kevin had never been to a professional boxing match .

  3. 今天,苏联已经加入职业拳击界。

    Today the Soviet Union has officially entered professional boxing .

  4. 职业拳击不是一碗好吃的饭。

    Professional boxing is no bed of roses .

  5. 奥运会的拳击比赛不是职业拳击赛而是业余的。

    The Olympic boxing is not a pro bout ; rather it is amateur .

  6. 球类竞赛的排名式积分编排方法研究预先安排职业拳击赛

    On Integral Ball Contest Arranged Method of Ranking

  7. 职业拳击比赛的《昆斯伯里规则》里禁止打击对手在腰带以下的部位。

    It is prohibited in the Queensberry Rules of prize-fighting to hit below the belt .

  8. 这不是职业拳击赛

    This is not a prize fight ,

  9. 哪个选手作为职业拳击冠军却没获得奥运金牌?

    Which boxer , as professional heavyweight champion , failed to win an Olympic gold medal ?

  10. 职业拳击赛通常要打15个回合,每回合3分钟。

    A professional boxing Bout usually needs 15 rounds , each round lasts for three minutes .

  11. 伦敦职业拳击场规则

    London Prize Ring rules

  12. 麦克,泰森说他不想重回职业拳击,但是靠这个工作挣点零花钱。

    Mike Tyson says he doesn 't want to get back into professional boxing , but took the job to earn a little extra cash .

  13. 该前任奥林匹克运动会金牌得主(2004)尽管凭借欺凌弱手获得了17-0的职业拳击战绩,但第一场拳王头衔挑战赛表现异常蹩脚。

    The former Olympic Gold medalist ( 2004 ), made a poor showing in his first title bout after having running up a17-0 professional record against far weaker opponents .

  14. 在英国政府倡导下,习练性拳击逐渐替代有奖拳击,但后者并未消失,这两种拳击分别演化成了职业拳击和业余拳击。

    Under the advocate of England government , sparring boxing was a substitute for prize-fighting , but the latter also existed , they became the professional boxing and amateur boxing .

  15. 《摔跤王》男主角米奇·洛基曾经离开影坛,转战职业拳击场,他承认自己为了修补自己那张残破不堪的脸去找过“某种特别的医生”。

    Actor Mickey Rourke , who took time off acting to become full-time boxer , admitted that he went to a " certain kind of doctor " to help fix his mangled face .

  16. Gildea是个颇具天分的体育记者,在美国有一批忠实的读者群。他怀念旧日时光,怀念那时十二万五千人一起挤在木制的体育馆里观看职业性拳击赛的日子,当然并不怀念那时影响着拳击和其他运动的种族歧视。

    Mr Gildea , a talented sports journalist with a ready following among American readers , is nostalgic for the days when crowds of 125000 jammed into wooden stadiums to watch prizefights although not , of course , for the racism that then infected this and other sports .