
  • 网络High;all star;dunk;vans;elite
  1. 她们的兄弟埃尔文站在最旁边,也牵着妈妈的手。在看父亲发表历史性演说时,他穿着合体的白衬衫,黑色长裤和时髦的高帮范思帆布鞋。

    Their brother Elwen stood at the end , also holding hands with Samantha , dressed in a smart white shirt , black trousers and wearing trendy high top Vans sneakers as he watched his father 's historic speech .

  2. 其中最著名的是高帮款,同时市面上也有低帮款。

    The high top versions are perhaps the best known , but they come in low-tops versions as well .

  3. 为了让客人们知道店里推崇玩乐,他让就餐区员工穿ChuckTaylor高帮帆布鞋。

    To let customers know that fun was not forbidden , he dressed his dining room staff in Chuck Taylor high-tops .

  4. 在Facebook网站的评论中,有数百位客户热烈讨论是否要挑选银色的高帮全息运动鞋,或者现代风格的经典机车夹克。

    In Facebook comments , hundreds of customers chatter about whether to pick up a silver holographic high-top sneaker or a contemporary take on the classic motorcycle jacket .

  5. 坎耶•维斯特(KanyeWest)穿着镶嵌金色饰钉的克里斯蒂安•娄伯丁(ChristianLouboutin)乐福鞋;黑眼豆豆组合(BlackEyedPeas)中的嘻哈明星will.i.am则是穿着一双令人咂舌的高帮鞋。

    Kanye West in Christian Louboutin 's gold-studded men 's loafers , and Black Eyed Peas star Will.i.am , in eye-catching high-tops .

  6. 黄的电视形象——大墨镜、高帮运动鞋、花哨的街头时装——经常让他看上去像一个亚裔版的阿里·G(AliG)。这一形象要不是黄有意的自我嘲弄,倒真会招致讥讽。

    Tricked out in big sunglasses , high-top sneakers and flashy street wear , Huang 's on-screen persona often resembles an Asian Ali G - easy to mock , were it not a deliberate self - ­ caricature .

  7. 大门旁扔着一些高帮皮靴,还有一口锈迹斑斑的坩埚。

    Around the front door lay a jumble of rubber boots and a very rusty cauldron .

  8. 高帮松紧鞋两帮有松紧布且高至脚踝的鞋高职高专班主任宽松式管理工作思考

    An ankle-high shoe with elastic sides . Reflection on Loose Management of Head Teacher in Higher Vocational College

  9. 妇女们现在都穿一种高帮松紧鞋,那是用她们的旧毛线围巾和碎毛毯做成,鞋底则是木头做的。

    Ladies now wore gaiters made of their old wool shawls and cut-up carpets . The soles were made of wood .

  10. 幸运先生来自伦敦,年龄在35岁至40岁之间,头发乱蓬蓬,常穿着裤管卷起的牛仔裤和高帮运动鞋,脖子上挂着部相机。

    Mr Lucky is from London , in his late thirties , with dishevelled hair and appeared wearing rolled-up jeans , high-top trainers and with a camera slung around his neck .

  11. 北京的冬天可以穿一件毛衣和一条毛裤,外着风衣或羽绒服,可穿高帮旅游鞋或皮鞋。

    Beijing 's cold winters require a woolen sweater and thermal underwear , with trench coat or down jacket on the outside , footwear should be leather shoes or high-top sports shoes .

  12. 通过对诱导巷道矿体的地压监测,获得破碎范围产生和发展的时空规律;通过矿岩节理裂隙调查,进一步验证高地应力对高帮矿体的致裂作用。

    The emergence and development of broken zone were obtained by monitoring the stress of the surround rock . Through investigation on joints and fractures in induced roadway , the effects of high stress on the the fracturing of the wall of orebody were verified .

  13. 他穿着系了一半鞋带的高帮运动鞋,带领我穿过人群。三年来,杨维每天早上冲去上6点20开始的第一节课,晚上10点50最后一节课结束后才回到自己的房间,周末也不例外。

    A peach farmer 's son in half-laced high-tops , Yang had spent the previous three years , weekends included , stumbling to his first class at 6:20 in the morning and returning to his room only after the end of his last class at 10:50 at night .

  14. 那个高个子过来帮我。

    This big tall guy comes up to help me .

  15. 你认为更高学历能帮你找到一个更好的工作吗?

    Do you think higher education will help you find a better job ?

  16. 高技术工具帮您更快地找到工作。

    High-tech tools shorten the job search .

  17. 另外在夏季,皮肤暴露在阳光下,所以我们身体内的血清素含量会比较高,会帮我们提高情绪。

    Additionally , during the summer , we experience higher serotonin levels , which raises our mood , when the skin is exposed to sunlight .

  18. 显然,这类扩张性措施应由中央银行提供融资,而不应由市场提供融资,以免推高利率、帮了倒忙。

    It goes without saying that such expansionary measures should be financed by central banks and not by market borrowing that could push up interest rates in an unhelpful way .

  19. 利用新型全息动光弹,以南芬矿高台阶靠帮控制爆破的现场参数为实验模拟基础,研究了两预裂孔间应力波迭加的动态变化过程。

    On the basis of actual parameter of wall control blast in Nanfeng mine , China , the process of dynamic stress changing between two column charges was studied for the presplit-cushion blast by a recent holographic photoelasticity .

  20. 高陡边坡挂帮矿开采方法研究

    Mining Method for High and Steep Slope Hanging Wall Ore

  21. 她在公司中地位那样高,完全可以帮你。

    She is high enough up in the company to be able to help you .

  22. 用水代替高热量饮料能够帮你减少的体重每年可高达20镑。

    Replacing caloric beverages with water can help you drop up to20 pounds in a year .