
  • 网络Highbush Blueberry
  1. 美国高丛蓝莓理事会指出,蓝莓是少数原产于北美的水果之一。

    The US Highbush Blueberry Council points out that the blueberry is one of the few fruits native to North America .

  2. 高丛蓝莓离体叶片再生与组培快繁研究初探

    The research of high - Bush blueberry leaf regeneration and proliferation

  3. 高丛蓝莓可以长高到接近两米。

    Highbush plants can grow almost two meters tall .

  4. 蓝莓的品种主要有高丛蓝莓、半高丛蓝莓、矮丛蓝莓和兔眼蓝莓。

    The major kinds of blueberry plants are highbush , half-high , lowbush and rabbiteye .

  5. 缅因州产野生蓝莓,但其他州的多数商业种植者用人工栽培的高丛蓝莓。

    Maine produces wild blueberries , but most commercial growers in other states use cultivated highbush plants .

  6. 最近几年的栽培引种试验表明北高丛蓝莓在中国南部的浙江中部地区也可以开花结果。

    In recent years , the introduction trials showed the northern highbush cultivars can blossom and bear fruit in Zhejiang area , a province in southeast China .