
  • 网络dictyoploca japonica;Attacusatlas;cecropia moth
  1. 不同地理种群银杏大蚕蛾COI基因序列变异与遗传分化

    Sequence variability of COI gene and genetic differentiation among the geographic populations of Caligula japonica ( Lepidoptera : Saturniidae ) in China

  2. 黄色的美洲大蚕蛾,每只后翅上有象大眼睛一样的斑点;幼虫有刺样的脊骨。

    Large yellow American moth having a large eyelike spot on each hind wing ; the larvae have stinging spines .

  3. 研究结果为银杏大蚕蛾的种群遗传学和生态学研究提供了一个基本的分子生物学线索。

    The results of this study provide a basic molecular biology clue to the studies on population genetics and ecology of C.japonica .

  4. 乌桕大蚕蛾作为一种具有重要开发价值和广阔市场前景的自然资源,因种种原因目前已濒危灭绝。

    As one of natural resources with the significant developmental value and broad market prospect , Attacus atlas is close to becoming extinct .

  5. 据悉,这些乌桕大蚕蛾口器发育不完全,消耗幼虫时期积累下来的脂肪,最多只能存活两个星期。

    These Atlas moths , which do not have fully-formed mouths and survive off fat they built up as caterpillars , only live for a maximum of two weeks .

  6. 介绍了乌桕大蚕蛾的形态特征、生物学特性、人工养殖方法、寄主植物栽种并进行了开发前景分析。

    The paper introduces Attacus atlas 's morphologic features , biological characteristics , methods for the breeding , cultivation by host plant of parasite , as well as the analysis of the developmental prospect .

  7. 体型非常大的黄褐色美洲蚕蛾,每只后翅上有象大眼斑;幼虫吃果树和遮荫树。

    Very large yellowish-brown American silkworm moth with large eyespots on hind wings ; larvae feed on fruit and shade trees .