
qié shǔ
  • Solanum
茄属[qié shǔ]
  1. 茄属块茎是马铃薯的拉丁文名。

    Solanum tuberosum is the Latin name for the potato .

  2. 通过细胞融合的方式将马铃薯野生种或其他茄属近缘种的优良性状引入马铃薯栽培种是马铃薯资源创制的重要途径之一。

    Introgression of desired traits from wild potato species or other closely related Solanum species into potato cultivars by cell fusion is an applicable way to create new germplasms .

  3. 在多种植病互作中发现的株龄相关抗性(Age-RelatedResistance,ARR)同样存在于茄属植物对晚疫病病菌的应答。

    Age-related resistance ( ARR ) existed in many plant-pathogen interactions was also found in Solanaceae when response to this notorious pathogen .

  4. PattiMoreno向你展示怎样种植茄属植物,家传土豆和家传番茄。

    Patti Moreno shows you how she grows her night shade plants , heirloom tomatoes and heirloom potatoes .

  5. 颠茄的其他名称还包括魔鬼药草和致命的茄属植物。

    Other names for belladonna include devil 's herb and deadly nightshade .

  6. 所有的茄属植物都有毒吗?

    Are all plants in the nightshade family poisonous ?

  7. 这两种植物都属于茄属,原产于南美。

    Both plants are part of the Nightshade family and are native to South America .

  8. 四种李属彩叶树木叶片色素及光合特性研究柳叶菜科的茄属植物。

    Study on the Characteristics of Anthocyanin and Photosynthesis in the Leaves of Four Species Leaf-colored Plants of Prunus ;

  9. 从茄属植物中提取的生物碱;用于抗痉挛和扩大眼睛瞳孔。

    An alkaloid extracted from the nightshade family ; used as an antispasmodic and to dilate the eye pupil .

  10. 柳叶菜科的茄属植物。只包括一个菱属的科;在某些分类被视为柳叶菜科的亚科。

    Family comprising solely the genus Trapa ; in some classifications treated as a subfamily or tribe of the family_Onagraceae .

  11. 为防治这一破坏性的病害,在过去儿十年中,前人已对茄属寄主植物与病原菌之间的互作开展了广泛研究。

    To combat with this destructive disease , the interaction between the Solanaceous family and this pathogen has been well documented in the past decades .

  12. 该论文用核苷酸结合位点图谱研究了茄属的系统发育和抗病基因标记的发掘,这些标记有可能被育种公司应用。

    This thesis describes the use of nucleotide binding site ( NBS ) profiling to study Solanum systematics and to identify resistance gene markers , which might be applied by the breeding companies .

  13. 番茄(Solanumlycopersicum)原产中南美洲,属茄科番茄属,广泛栽培于世界各地,可鲜食,也可加工成不同类型的番茄制品。

    Tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) originated from middle-south America , it was grown around the world , and can be used as fresh and processing products marketing .

  14. 类番茄茄与番茄属间有性杂交的研究。

    Studies on generic cross between Solanum lycopersicoides and lyco-persi con sp.

  15. 茄科植物属间及种间原生质体融合及其检测

    Protoplast Fusion and Detection between Genera and Species in Solarium

  16. 茄科酸浆属两种药用植物生药学研究

    Study on the Pharmacognosy of Two Species Plants of Physalis of China

  17. 又名西红柿,属茄科番茄属,原产南美洲的秘鲁、厄瓜多尔等地,是我国重要的蔬菜作物之一。

    Its origin is in Peru and Ecuador in South America and is a main kind of vegetable in China .

  18. 辣椒是茄科辣椒属的多年或一年生蔬菜作物,在我国各地普遍栽培。

    Pepper is a multi-year or annual vegetable crops of Solanaceae Capsicum genus , and is cultivated widely in China .

  19. 马铃薯起源于秘鲁和玻利维亚的安第斯山区,属茄科茄属,是一年生喜冷凉草本块茎植物。

    The potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) is a herbaceous tuber one year living plant . It come of the Andes between Peru and Bolivia . belong to Solanaceae .

  20. 马铃薯,茄科茄属植物,目前是世界上仅次于水稻、小麦、玉米的第四大粮食作物,在世界粮食安全体系中极具重要的地位。

    Potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) is the fourth most worldwide crop in the world after wheat , corn and rice , which plays an important role in food security now .

  21. 烟草是属于茄科或茄属植物的四季生长的较高草本开花植物。

    Tobacco is a tall perennial herbaceous flowering plant that belongs to the solanaceae or nightshade family .