
  1. 用一点辣茄酱将上帝们浸泡。

    A little salsa to dip Jesus Christ into .

  2. 根据这辣茄酱污渍,他俩的下场可能有几种

    Based on the salsa stain there , could have gone a couple ways .

  3. 在俄亥俄州,对吃了辣茄酱和沙拉的人的血液中的浓度进行了测量研究。

    Studies at Ohio State measured blood levels of subjects who ate servings of salsa and salads .

  4. 我让头发在腿上盘绕,让茄酱在下巴凝结。

    I let the hair on my legs entwine , the soy sauce on my chin congeal .

  5. 心得洋茄粒酱之调味可因个人口味加入不同之材料,如黑橄榄或银鱼柳。

    If you do not like the onion and tomato mix , try black olive or whitebait filet .