
shā sī
  • sauce
沙司[shā sī]
  1. 过了一会儿,浓味沙司开始显得油腻了。

    After a while , the rich sauce begins to cloy .

  2. 不停地搅动沙司,免得出现分层。

    Stir the sauce constantly so that it does not separate .

  3. 把沙司浇在意大利面上就立刻上桌。

    Pour the sauce over the pasta and serve immediately .

  4. 她用勺把沙司浇到鸡块上。

    She spooned the sauce over the chicken pieces .

  5. 不停地搅拌沙司,直到搅稠为止。

    Stir until the sauce has thickened .

  6. 这沙司主要是奶油。

    The sauce is mostly cream .

  7. 在两个盘子里倒少许沙司酱,然后把肉摆放整齐。

    Pour a pool of sauce on two plates and arrange the meat neatly

  8. 往蛋奶沙司粉里加入一点儿牛奶,搅成糊糊。

    Blend a little milk with the custard powder to form a paste .

  9. 这些布丁大部分只需要用蛋奶沙司最后点缀一下。

    The only finishing touch most of these puddings need is a custard sauce .

  10. 在番茄沙司中无论加入什么都不如加一点儿新鲜的紫苏更能提味。

    There 's nothing like fresh basil to put a zing into a tomato sauce .

  11. 滤去蛋奶沙司中的颗粒。

    Strain the custard to remove lumps .

  12. 女主人说道:“噢,我的上帝啊,它刚吃了蘑菇沙司呀!”

    The hostess exclaimed , " Oh my God , it 's the mushroom sauce ! "

  13. 多年前,我参加了一个朋友组织的晚餐聚会,女主人拿出她亲手做的美味的蘑菇沙司来款待我们。

    Years ago while attending a dinner party hosted by some friends of mine the hostess served a meal with this delicious mushroom sauce .

  14. 晚饭过后,还剩下一些沙司,因此女主人决定让她那怀孕的猫也像客人们一样享受这美味。

    After the meal there was a small amount left over and the hostess decided1 to allow her pregnant cat to enjoy the treat as well as the guests .

  15. 沙司成为最受欢迎的话题,大家都说沙司简直太美味了。因为受到夸奖,女主人露出了微笑。

    The sauce was the highlight of the evening 's topic of conversation , everyone commented on how delicious it was , and the hostess beamed at all the compliments .

  16. 可是在Starbucks,高杯却是小杯。那沙司应被熬成一小杯。

    But at Starbucks , Tall is small . The sauce should reduce to one cup .

  17. 而阿齐兹对HP沙司的喜爱可能因为它的主要成份来自中东。

    Mr Aziz 's passion for HP Sauce may come from one of its key ingredients , dates , which are grown in the Middle East .

  18. 他还认为伊拉克在阿拉伯国家中最“亲英”了,HP沙司、花街和伦敦的公交车和三脚插头等在那里都十分受欢迎。

    Iraq is one of the most Anglophile of all Arab countries with their HP sauce , Quality Street , their London buses and three-pin plugs .

  19. 据悉,HP沙司在伊拉克不能直接进口,但在其他中东国家,如科威特、阿曼、阿联酋等地都能买到。

    Although HP sauce is not exported to Iraq directly , it can be found in a number of Middle Eastern countries , including Kuwait , Oman , and the United Arab Emirates .

  20. mince肉馅atthebottomof在…底部atthetopof在…表面mintsauce薄荷沙司Thesteakandchips牛排薯条牛排你要几分熟?

    At the bottom of the pie there is the mince with carrots unions in the mint sauce and at the top of the mince there is mashed potato . How would you like it done ?

  21. Pastitsio是一种用肉、通心粉和沙司烤制的焙盘菜。

    Pastitsio is a baked casserole dish of meat , macaroni , and sauce .

  22. 你在浏览78欧元的固定价格菜单时,可以透过厨房窗户观看大厨斯特凡纳·热戈(StéphaneJégo)的精彩表演(和偶尔的坏脾气)。他用大葱酸醋沙司给鲭鱼调味,用牡蛎和兔肉搭配五花肉。

    As you ponder the 78-euro prix fixe menu , watch the theatrics ( and occasional temper ) of the chef , St é phane J é go , through the kitchen window as he perfects dishes such as mackerel in leek vinaigrette and pork belly with oysters and rabbit .

  23. 但是在整个国家,Katogo也总是最流行。它是绿色香蕉混合牛肉丝或蔬菜沙司烹饪而成。

    But a popular dish across the country is katogo & it 's a combination of green cooking bananas mixed in a stew from beef or in a sauce from vegetables .

  24. 我不认为薯条和辣根沙司。

    I don 't think the fries and the horseradish sauce .

  25. 洋葱调味的蛋黄和干酪屑做成的白色乳脂状沙司。

    Onion-flavored creamy white sauce with egg yolk and grated cheese .

  26. 纽堡沙司里的小虾,通常盛在米饭环里。

    Shrimp in Newburg sauce usually served in a rice ring .

  27. 我们今晚的特色鱼是柠檬奶油沙司鲑鱼。

    Our fish special tonight is salmon in a lemon-cream sauce .

  28. 嫩煎的碎洋葱、辣椒粉和奶油做成的白汁沙司。

    Veloute sauce with sauteed chopped onion and paprika and cream .

  29. 我做了个欧芹沙司来配这鱼。

    I 've made parsley sauce ot go with the fish .

  30. 煮好的蔬菜蘸着沙司吃,或者涂抹奶酪。

    Smother cooked vegetables in sauce or sprinkle them with cheese .