
  • 【医】desert soil
  1. 塔克拉玛干沙漠土壤种子库特征初探

    Evaluation of Soil Seed Banks in the Taklimakan Desert

  2. 沙漠土壤压实关键技术及压实设备

    Key Technology and Equipment of Desert Soil Compaction

  3. 塔克拉玛干沙漠土壤水分运动参数的计算

    Calculating soil hydraulic properties in Taklimakan Desert

  4. 沙漠土壤和大气边界层中水热交换和传输的数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation on water and heat transport in the desert soil and atmospheric boundary layer

  5. 为此,应用土力学基本理论分析了在沙漠土壤条件下履刺的作用。

    After referring the US army , s pedrail , this article use the theory of soil force to analyze the working of arista .

  6. 通过理论分析和沙漠土壤现场压实的研究,提出了解决问题的措施,得出了提高沙漠土壤压实质量和施工效率的方案。

    According to theoretic analysis and research on the desert soil compaction , the method of improving desert soil compaction quality and efficiency are obtained .

  7. 下个月,这些选出的土豆品种将参与实验。如果这些土豆不能适应沙漠土壤,那么研究人员将对它们施以养分并将其置于紫外线照射下。

    If the varieties selected for next month 's experiment don 't adapt to the desert soil , the researchers will introduce nutrients and subject them to radiation .

  8. 本文将塔克拉玛干沙漠土壤发育条件分为稳定、不稳定、极不稳定三类,它们对于土壤性状有着不同的影响。

    The paper divides the conditions of soil development into stable , unstable , extremely unstable types in the Taklimakan Desert , which have different influence on properties and characteristics of soils .

  9. 水热因子对沙漠地区土壤呼吸的影响

    Effects of heat and water factors on soil respiration in desert area

  10. 沙漠生物土壤结皮国外研究概况

    Present Study on Biological Soil Crusts in Abroad Deserts

  11. 沙漠地区土壤有机质含量较低、肥力差。

    In these areas , the soil organic matter is low and the soil fertility is poor .

  12. 大气降尘沉积对塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地土壤水盐运移的影响

    Effects of the grain size and thickness of dust deposits on soil water and salt movement in the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert

  13. 沙漠地区麦田土壤养分运动特征

    Movement of soil nutrient of wheat field in arid desert area

  14. 沙漠化过程土壤种子库特征的研究

    Study on the Characteristics of Soil Seed Banks in Desertification Process

  15. 但是后来他们看到树木,如何防止沙漠蔓延的土壤。

    But later they saw how trees could protect the soil against the spreading desert .

  16. 沙漠化过程土壤指标划分的研究

    Division of Soil Index during Desertization

  17. 对黑河下游不同类型沙漠化土地土壤的盐分进行了调查和分析。

    Spatial feature of soil salinity in groundwater fluctuant region of the lower reaches of the Heihe River ;

  18. 其它地方树木的主根必须深入受炙烤而坚硬的沙漠底部的土壤以吸取地下水。

    Elsewhere , trees must send taproots deep into the hard baked desert soil to draw on underground water .

  19. 腾格里沙漠3种土壤有机质和碳酸钙特征

    Studies on the characteristics of soil organic matter and pedogenic calcium carbonate for three kinds of soil in the Tengri Desert

  20. 同时,土地沙漠化导致土壤质量退化,生态系统生产力下降,进而制约当地的生态环境建设与发展。

    Meanwhile , desertification not only causes the degradation of the soil quality and the decline of productivity , but also restricts the construction and development of the local eco-environment .

  21. 由于干旱区生态环境极为脆弱,在水资源开发利用过程中引发了一系列环境恶化问题,如土地沙漠化、土壤盐溃化、地下水咸化等。

    A series of environment deterioration problems , such as desertization , salinization of soil and salinization of groundwater , have risen during water resources exploitation because ecosystem is rather weak .

  22. 灌木和树的根有助于固定沙漠中的土壤,它们的茎和树枝同时起屏障的作用,防止风从沙漠表面吹起大堆的沙。

    The roots of shrubs and trees help to hold the desert soil in place . Their stalks and branches also act as screens to keep the wind from sweeping great drifts of sand along the surface .

  23. 总体表现为以荒漠化为主体的生态环境问题日益加剧,而具体表现为土地沙漠化、土壤盐渍化、草场退化、生物多样性丧失等。

    The general manifestation is in the form of a desertification dominated ecological environmental problem that is deteriorating with each passing day and embodied in land desertification , soil salinization , grassland degradation , and loss in biodiversity .

  24. 对科尔沁沙地不同沙漠化阶段土壤有机碳、全氮含量、土壤质地以及碳氮密度进行了测定与分析。

    Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen concentrations , soil texture , and carbon and nitrogen densities in different stages of desertification process ( Potential , Light , Medium , Severe , and Most severe desertification ) in Horqin sandy land were studied .

  25. 新疆是我国生态系统最脆弱的典型区域之一,土地沙漠化、土壤侵蚀、土壤盐渍化等一系列土地退化问题十分严重,制约了新疆经济社会的可持续发展。

    Xinjiang Province is one of the typical ecologically fragile regions in China , and the problems of land degradation in this region such as sandy desertification , soil erosion and soil salinization are so serious that limit the development of economy and society in Xinjiang Province .

  26. 通过对阜康老绿洲、新绿洲、荒漠区及沙漠不同地段土壤水盐及地下水位的分析结果表明:在荒漠区由山前到扇缘潜水溢出带地下水位逐渐抬升;

    By analyzing the soil moisture , salt content and ground water level in different place of Fukang old oases , new oases and desert , the result shows : when undisturbed by human ; the ground water level rises from mountain to belt of ground water spillage ;

  27. 这一团队将在地球的实验室中模拟火星的大气条件,使用来自秘鲁PampasdeLaJoya沙漠的一种土壤,这种土壤据称几乎与火星上发现的土壤完全相同。

    The team will replicate Martian atmospheric conditions in a laboratory , using soil from Peru 's Pampas de La Joya desert - reportedly nearly identical to that found on the Red Planet .

  28. 不同地区土地沙漠化过程中土壤退化演变规律

    Land Degradation Processes during Desertification Processes in Three Typical Regions

  29. 农田沙漠化演变中土壤质量的生物学特性变化

    Change of the Biological Properties of Soil Quality in the Desertification Process

  30. 我国北方草原沙漠化过程中土壤碳、氮变化规律研究

    Soil C and N dynamics during desertification of grassland in Northern China