
  1. 利用室内风洞试验装置模拟了不同地面坡度、不同地表风速、不同PAM处理的土样在净风和挟沙风作用下的风蚀情况。

    It simulates the wind erosion of soil samplers treated by different PAM with the actions of non - sand-driving wind and sand-driving wind under the conditions of different slopes and different wind speed of surface .

  2. 塔克拉玛干沙漠起沙风况

    Effective Wind Regime in the Taklimakan Desert

  3. 挟沙风对土壤风蚀的影响研究

    Influence of Wind-sand Flow on Soil Erosion

  4. 净风对土壤风蚀作用较小,但在挟沙风作用下,风蚀强烈。

    Soil erosion was less when wind only , but more when sand carring wind .

  5. 塔里木沙漠公路沿线的起沙风与输沙强度

    The sand moving velocity and the sand transport strength along the desert highway in Tarim Basin

  6. 大多数沙漠动物会挖掘洞穴来保护自己不受沙风的侵袭。

    Most animals that live in deserts dig burrows to protect themselves from the sand-laden wind .

  7. 起沙风频数高,作用时间长,防沙难度极大。

    The sand driving wind has high frequencies and durative action . So the sand controlling has sheer difficulty .

  8. 由于起沙风的统计分析和输沙强度的定量计算是防沙工程设计中的最主要依据之一。

    Sand moving wind velocity and sediment transport strength are the fundmental data in the building of sand barrier systems .

  9. 6月开始,起沙风的频率明显下降,不利于种子覆沙。

    In early June , the frequence of the sand-blowing wind is obviously reduced , so it is unfavourable to the covering of seeds by sand .

  10. 结果表明:①研究区3~5月起沙风发生频数最高,占全年起沙风的38%~58%;

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) The threshold wind of transporting sand in the study area between March to May were most frequent , with an accumulated frequency of 38 % ~ 58 % .

  11. 基于定常与非定常来流下的风沙流模型,开展了输沙率对风场响应时间的数值模拟研究。

    Based on the steady-state and unsteady wind-blown sand model , we simulate the response time of sand transport rate to wind speed .

  12. 对沙口水厂风机控制系统在运行过程中经常出现的风机启动失败、电机启动电流过大、电机发热严重等问题进行了分析。

    The problems of blower control system in Shakou Waterworks , such as failed blower startup , excessive motor startup current and serious motor heating were analyzed .

  13. 也许你现在感到自己像一个站在开阔的沙滩上的人,你甚至不能建立一座沙堡以免风把它吹倒了或者海潮把它冲走了。

    Perhaps you feel a little like someone who is standing on an open sandy beach , unable to build so much as a sandcastle lest the wind blows it down or the tide sweeps it away .

  14. 本学位论文针对跃移风沙流输沙率对变化风场的响应时间以及沙尘在阵风作用下向高空的输运规律展开数值模拟研究。

    The thesis focus on the response time of sand transport rate to wind speed fluctuations of near-surface saltation sand flow and the dust transport law of high-altitude in the role of the gust .

  15. 通过野外考察和试验,对达旗车站沙害基本因子&起沙风的风信特点,沙源情况和工程环境进行了分析,阐明了该区沙害的时空规律。

    By means of field investigation and tests , the basic factors of sand-disaster are analysed , which are the vane characteristics of sand wind , the conditions of sand sources and the environment of engineering projects , and the time-space regularities of sand-disaster in this area is expounded .