
  • 网络sandy desertification
  1. 基于遥感、GIS的内蒙古沙漠和沙质荒漠化研究

    Research on Sandy Desertification in Inner Mongolia by Remote Sensing and GIS

  2. 河西走廊沙质荒漠化趋势分析及预测

    Trend analysis and prediction of sandy desertification in Hexi corridor

  3. 宁夏中部干旱带沙质荒漠化草场草地生产力动态监测

    Dynamic monitoring of dry and sandy grassland productivity in central Ningxia

  4. 黑龙江省沙质荒漠化土地治理的生态效益研究

    Study on ecological benefit of control of sandy land desertification in Heilongjiang

  5. 甘肃省沙质荒漠化现状及开发治理对策

    The current situation and Harness Countermeasure of sandy desertification in Gansu Province

  6. 而风沙运动所引起的土壤风蚀是沙质荒漠化主要表现形式之一。

    Soil wind erosion is the primary form of desertification .

  7. 草原农垦区土地沙质荒漠化过程的生物学机制

    Biological mechanism of sandy desertification in grassland reclamation area in North China

  8. 宁夏土地沙质荒漠化成因与防治对策研究

    Cause of desertification in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and its prevention and control

  9. 东北平原西部沙地近10年的沙质荒漠化

    Sandy Desertification in West of Northeast China Plain in the Past 10 Years

  10. 中国北方东部沙质荒漠化的地学观

    Geological views on the sandy desertification of the east part of northern China

  11. 山西省土地沙质荒漠化现状及发展趋势研究

    Study on Sandy Desertification of Present Situation and Developmental Trend in Shanxi Province

  12. 中国北方沙质荒漠化土地动态变化遥感分析

    Remote Sensing Analysis on Dynamic Change of Sandy Desertification Land in North China

  13. 土地沙质荒漠化过程的土壤分形特征

    Fractal dimension of soil particle for sand desertification

  14. 东北平原西部沙地沙质荒漠化的遥感监测研究

    A Study on Monitoring Sandy Desertification in Sandy Land of West Northeast China Plain

  15. 中国北方农牧交错区沙质荒漠化灾害监测评价模型

    Monitoring and Evaluation Model of Sandy Desertification Hazard in the Agro-pastoral Region in Northern China

  16. 通过分析该区土地沙质荒漠化的发展趋势及其成因,认为该区土地沙质荒漠化有日趋扩大、日益严重的发展趋势;

    This paper analyses the development trend and causes of sandy desertification in this region .

  17. 基于遥感技术的中国北方沙漠及沙质荒漠化土地区划研究

    Zonation of desert and sandy desertification land in North China based on remote sensing technology

  18. 基于土壤水分分布式动态模型的沙质荒漠化地区生产力估算

    Evaluation of Productivity Based on the Distributed Dynamic Model of Soil Water in Sandy Desertification Area

  19. 近30年来北方农牧交错带沙质荒漠化动态变化

    State and evolution trend of desertification in agro-pastoral transitional zone in northern China for last 30 years

  20. 荒漠化、全球变暖和生物多样性的减少是人类面临的最主要的环境问题,其中沙质荒漠化又是困扰当前人类社会最严重的环境&社会经济问题。

    Desertification , global warming , and biodiversity decreasing are the severe environmental issues confronted in human .

  21. 沙质荒漠化灾害是我国北方农牧交错区最为严重的灾害之一。

    Sandy desertification hazard is one of the most devastating hazards in the agro-pastoral region in Northern China .

  22. 新疆沙质荒漠化防治区划及分区防治模式研究

    Study on Xinjiang Sandy Desertification Preventing and Controlling Regionalization and Suitable Controlling Technologies and Modes of the Regions

  23. 宁夏盐池县是我国北方农牧交错带沙质荒漠化强烈发展的地区之一。

    Yanchi county of Ningxia is one of the severe sandy desertification areas in interlaced agropastoral zone of northern China .

  24. 不合理的开垦是我国北方土地沙质荒漠化的主要原因,北方农牧交错带45%的退化土地属这一类型。

    Unreasonable cultivation is the major cause of desertification in north China and 45 % of degenerated land in China .

  25. 东北平原西部沙地位于欧亚大陆中纬度巨型沙带的东部边缘,为我国沙质荒漠化土地的东缘,是我国自然环境最好的沙区。

    Sandy land of the Northeast China Plain lies in the eastern fringe of huge sandy belt of mid latitude in Eurasia .

  26. 本文仅对北方沙质荒漠化、水蚀荒漠化两种主要的荒漠化类型的区域地质分布、成因及其发展趋势进行探讨。

    The regional classification and distribution , formation process and developing trends of sandy and water eroding desertification are discussed mainly in this paper .

  27. 宁夏中部风沙区的沙质荒漠化在历史时期,尤其是本世纪50年代以来,具有明显扩展的趋势。

    There is an obvious developing tendency of sandy desertification in the blowing sand region of middle Ningxia in historical time , especially since 1950 's.

  28. 三北地区沙质荒漠化依成因可分为:就地起沙型、风沙侵入型和土地粗粒化型等。

    Sandy desertification in Northern China could be divided into three types , the localized type , the windblown type and the coarse grained type .

  29. 在地形地貌的控制因素下,坝上西部的土地荒漠化以盐碱化为主,坝缘以沙质荒漠化为主,中间为过渡。

    Due to the controlling factors of landform features , the salinization predominates was the main type of desertification in the western part of Bashang Area .

  30. 古浪县地处干旱半干旱过渡区,土地荒漠化表现为沙质荒漠化、水蚀荒漠化和草场退化3种类型。

    Gulang County stands in intersection of arid and semiarid zone , there are three types of land desertification : sandy desertification , water-eroded desertification and grassland degradation .