
  1. 本文探讨了沙叶新在《陈毅市长》中对陈毅形象成功塑造的主要表现,即达到了:一再现与表现的有机统一;

    The paper discusses the successful portrayal of the image of Chen Yi .

  2. 论沙叶新在《陈毅市长》中对陈毅形象的塑造

    The Image Portrayal of Chen Yi in the Play " The Mayor ChenYi " by Sha Yexin

  3. 沙叶新新时期剧作简论当代剧作家沙叶新戏剧创作产量丰富,质量较高,是公认的上海剧作家群中成就最突出的一位。

    Brief Discussion on Sha Yexin 's Dramas in the New Period Sha Yexin , a contemporary playwright of many high-quality works , is well-known as one of the most distinguished dramatist in Shanghai .