
shā fā chuánɡ
  • studio couch, sofa bed
  1. 我决定把沙发床扔了。

    I decided to ditch the sofa bed .

  2. 加上一张沙发床,客厅便变成了客房。

    A sitting room can be transformed into a guest bedroom simply by adding a sofabed .

  3. 因为cynthia只是在周末的时候才来看她的爸爸,所以她睡觉用的是客厅里的一张两用的沙发床。

    Since Cynthia only visited her dad on the weekends , her bed was the hide-a-bed sofa couch in the living room .

  4. 你可以教我如何摊开这张沙发床吗?

    Could you show me how to open this sofa bed ?

  5. 可以了。瞧,这是我的新沙发床!

    Yes . See ? It 's my new sofa bed !

  6. 你能带我看看沙发床吗?

    Would you show me a sofa bed ?

  7. 我去收拾沙发床.

    I 'll make up the convertible sofa .

  8. 你可以睡在这张沙发床上。

    You can sleep on the couch .

  9. 吃完晚饭后你可以上去在沙发床上铺上干净床单吗

    After dinner , could you please make up the day bed with clean sheets ?

  10. 沙发床里有个弹簧还是什么,我的背

    The couch had a spring in it or something , and my back ... No.

  11. 本能地再钻进屋里,躺回那张沙发床。

    Instinctively , I crawled back into the house and lay down on the sofa again .

  12. 房间里什么都有:一张沙发床、个小柜橱、把椅子、个书架和一张桌子。

    The room has a sofa-bed , a small wardrobe , a chair , a bookshelf and a desk .

  13. 当你有一个好的沙发床床垫,客人将要过夜,在你的房子。

    When you have a good sofa bed mattress , guests will want to spend the night at your house .

  14. 她扶他上了起居室里他那张沙发床,而他仍然没有醒过来。

    She helped him to his sofa bed in the living room , and he still did not wake up .

  15. 我决定睡在客厅的沙发床上,那天我很累,所以大概九点就上床了。

    I decided to sleep on the sofa bed in the front room . I was really tired so went to bed about9pm .

  16. 那些时尚的沙发床在西方商店里可能卖到600美元,这里的标价仅为44.99美元,而电脑桌最便宜的才6.99美元。

    Elegant sofa-beds that looked like they might cost $ 600 in a shop in the west were being sold for $ 44.99 and computer tables were on offer for as little as $ 6.99 .

  17. 客厅的多功能沙发床,分体时是两个多位沙发和两个半圆脚凳,合体时,放上一张圆床垫即是一张圆床,可以临时留宿亲朋。

    Multi-purpose living room sofa bed , split the two when the number of sofas and a footstool , when fit , put a circle round bed mattress just like sheets can be temporary stay friends .

  18. 每间客房都提供了私人庭院、超大浴缸、淋浴、室外沙发床以及随时都可以使用的泳池。基本设施还包括私人酒吧,俯瞰海滩的平台以及环绕音响。

    Each room offers a private courtyard which houses an oversized bath , a waterfall shower , an outdoor daybed , as well as a plunge pool for a spontaneous dip at any time of day .

  19. 如今,色彩缤纷,晶莹剔透,形态奇异的充气式沙发床,造型别致的充气式单、双人沙发、充气式小圆桌、小凳子等,都能随心所欲的充气、放气,令人神往。

    Today , the inflatable sofa bed which is colorful , crystal and singular form , the inflatable single or double sofas , inflatable small round table , small stool , which modeling chic , can be arbitrary inflated , deflated , fascinating .

  20. 沙发跟床一样,坐上去很舒服。

    The sofa looks comfortable just like a bed .

  21. 你们家的沙发、床、餐桌。

    Your couch , bed , your kitchen table .

  22. 我把这张沙发作为床使用。

    This sofa served me as a bed .

  23. 宾馆沙发、床、电视柜、茶几、地毯,电视,空调等。

    Hotel sofa , bed , TV cabinet , coffee table , carpet , television , air conditioning .

  24. 布置、重装和修理已装饰的物件,如椅子、沙发、床和床垫。

    UPHOLSTERERS make , rebuild and repair upholstered articles such as chairs , sofas , beds and mattresses .

  25. 在北京宜家商店,很容易看到人们找到的沙发和床并毫不掩饰的在上面打盹。

    In the Beijing Ikea store , people can commonly be found sleeping peacefully and unabashedly on the display sofas and beds , a fact verified by Efe .

  26. 本实用新型为一种多功能席梦思床,属于经旋转床头即可转变为沙发的床。

    The utility model relates to a multifunctional mattress bed , belonging to the bed which can be changed into a sofa by rotating a bed head , and comprising a bed frame , a mattress and the bed head .

  27. 为什么欧美人(包括香港人)都喜欢穿鞋踩在沙发和床上(即使那鞋底不知道都沾了什么)?

    Why are Americans and Europeans ( as well as people from Hong Kong ) used to step on the couch & bed with their shoes on ?( Don 't they know how dirty the soles of their shoes are ?)

  28. 客床非常舒适,日用织品精致考究,用来部分分隔睡眠区与起居区(安装了转动式电视,坐在沙发和床上都能观看节目)的屏风设计得非常巧妙。

    The beds are very comfortable , the linens exquisite , and the screen that partially divides the sleeping and living areas , into which a pivoted television has been fitted , enabling you to watch it from the sofa or the bed , is ingenious .

  29. 沙发可以当床凑合一两夜。

    The sofa will serve as a bed for a night or two .

  30. 栩栩如生的,真实的这个沙发可改作床用。

    The sofa can transform for use as a bed .