
  • 网络Vo Nguyen Giap
  1. 武元甲在南越构筑的情报网得到了孙子真传。

    Suntzu would have been impressed with general giap 's spy network in South Vietnam .

  2. 还有两个月就到春节了,武元甲设计了一个惊天骗局。

    Withjust two months until tet , giap plays what might be his greatest deception .

  3. 武元甲将军对此了然于心,就像他的老师孙子那样。

    Thisis a notion that general giap well understood , as did the master , sun tzu .

  4. 尽管战役失败,武元甲仍然继续用他的方式来赢得战争,那就是借美国国内之力来打败美国。

    Despitelosing the battle , giap is well on his way to winning the war by defeatingwhere it matters most-at home .