- 网络Li Yi;Yi Lee

They waited nearly four hours for the storm to ea se up It would be irresponsible of me to encourage you to i n vest in the poorly managed company .
I have not received news from him up to date The global economy seems to be on the road to recovery , th anks to massive government stimulus plans worldwide .
Li Yi was the only medical professional on the seven-person project team .
Another of her duties is to guarantee that loperamide will not harm those who use it .
As a medical doctor , Li Yi knows that she is responsible for every user of loperamide .
Li Yi knew that there was no proof that a high saccharin level directly harmed users of loperamide .
Li Yi believed it was unethical to test a drug that was potentially dangerous to the elderly and children .
After a heated team debate , every team member except Li Yi voted to begin testing with the original formula .
Besides Li yi 's immediate duties to her team and pharmaceutical company , she also has duties to the public .
Returning to our case study , we question whether xu 's three solution to Li yi 's predicament are the only options .
If Li Yi 's team had written a clear action plan at the outset of their project , the dilemma might never have arisen .
Ethics argues for an environment where employees can voice loyal dissent within a company and where Li Yi must not succumb to group pressure .
Oppose the majority opinion of the team : Li Yi disagrees with the rest of her team that the original formula is safe to test on humans .