
  • Fast and Furious;Fast & Furious;The Fast and the Furious
  1. 此外,他还在《速度与激情:东京漂移》中饰演一名黑帮头目,即主要反派Takashi的叔叔Kamata。

    He also appeared in : " The Fast and the Furious : Tokyo Drift " as Kamata , a Yakuza boss and uncle of the main antagonist Takashi .

  2. 所以,跟着我们一起来感受这速度与激情吧!

    Come on with us to enjoy the fast and the furious .

  3. F9/Fast&Furious9《速度与激情9》范·迪塞尔回归《速度与激情》系列第十部电影(如果将衍生作品《霍布斯与肖》算在内),继续饰演多米尼克·托雷托。

    Vin Diesel6 is back as Dominic Toretto in the tenth Fast & Furious blockbuster ( if you include spin-off , Hobbs & Shaw ) , and this time the villain7 is ...

  4. 不过,正是这种无视逻辑和合理性的壮举,《速度与激情》系列才会如此有趣。

    Still , it 's this heroic disregard for logic8 and plausibility9 that makes the Fast & Furious franchise10 so much fun .

  5. 第一部《速度与激情》是关于非法街头赛车手的低成本警察惊悚片,但是续集一部比一部拍得更盛大也更荒唐。

    The first film was a low-budget cop thriller11 about illegal street racers , but the sequels have grown bigger and sillier every time .

  6. 迈克·泰森仅次于威廉王子,排在第二位,紧随其后的是《速度与激情》主演杰森·斯坦森、说唱歌手皮普保罗、迈克尔·乔丹、拳击手弗洛伊德·梅威瑟、约翰·特拉沃尔塔、布鲁斯·威利斯、“巨石”强森和范·迪塞尔。

    After Prince William , Mike Tyson came in second place , followed by " Fast & Furious " star Jason Statham , rapper Pitbull , Michael Jordan , boxer .

  7. 《速度与激情9》是一部由查理兹·塞隆、海伦·米伦、库尔特·拉塞尔出演的全球网络间谍大片,还有一辆可以飞向太空的汽车。

    F9 ( in the US ) or Fast & Furious 9 ( in the UK ) is a global cyber-spy extravaganza boasting appearances by Charlize Theron , Helen Mirren , Kurt Russell and a car that flies into space .

  8. 环球电影公司(Universal)也给我们打了电话,然后我们开始做《速度与激情6》(FastandFurious6)。

    Universal gave us a call , and we did Fast and Furious 6 .

  9. 同样,对于某些种族和民族也是如此,尽管《速度与激情》(Fast&Furious)系列等影片中有着乌托邦般的景象。

    The same is true of certain races and ethnicities , despite the utopianism of movies like the " Fast & Furious " series .

  10. 《速度与激情6》帮助其另外两位男演员在我们榜单中获得较高的排名:范·迪塞尔(VinDiesel)和已故的保罗·沃克(PaulWalker)。

    Fast Furious 6 helped place two other actors high on our list : Vin Diesel and the late Paul Walker .

  11. 美国媒体与科技集团康卡斯特(Comcast)旗下的环球影业(UniversalStudios)拥有《速度与激情》(FastandFurious)等特许经营权。

    Universal Studios , which is owned by Comcast , the US media and technology group , has franchises such as Fast and Furious .

  12. 公开dot文件虽然不能使您成为《速度与激情》的下一部影片中的明星,但很可能会提高您在爱好者中的声誉。

    Showing off your dot files may not land you a starring role in the next " The Fast and the Furious ," but it 'll likely boost your geek cred .

  13. 这是一个MongoDB的速度与激情之旅,只涉及它的功能的皮毛。

    This was a fast and furious tour of MongoDB , only scratching the surface of what it can do .

  14. 《速度与激情7》(Furious7)过去两周蝉联票房冠军,如今又将横扫各大音乐排行榜。

    The film " Furious 7 " has dominated the box office for the last two weeks , and now its screeching victory lap has extended to the music charts as well .

  15. 在代号为“速度与激情”的侦查行动近日面临越来越多的公众指责后,ATF高官今天可能辞职。

    The head of the ATF may resign today after operation called " Fast and Furious " turned deadly for one of its own .

  16. 《速度与激情》系列的制作方环球影业(UniversalPictures)的一名女发言人称,下一部影片的部分镜头可能会在古巴拍摄。该发言人接着表示,公司“目前正在争取获得美国和古巴政府的批准”。

    The next " Fast & Furious " installment may be partly shot in Cuba , a spokeswoman for its studio , Universal Pictures , said , adding that the company " is currently seeking approval from the United States and Cuban governments . "

  17. 通过《速度与激情6:游戏》(Fast&Furious6:TheGame,已在全球安装了3300万部)等好莱坞授权产品和《亚瑟王国》(KingdomsofCamelot)等原创游戏,手机游戏制造商Kabam极其成功地打入主流游戏市场。

    Mobile game maker Kabam has had great success reaching mainstream gamers through Hollywood licensed product like Fast & Furious 6 : The Game ( 33 million installs worldwide ) and original franchises like Kingdoms of Camelot .

  18. 这部街头赛车系列电影的第六部—《速度与激情6》于上周五在中国上映,同时一个全新的IMAX剧场登陆北京。

    The sixth installment of the famous street racing franchise " Fast and Furious " opened in China on Friday , along with a brand new IMAX theatre in Beijing .

  19. 新规为美国的电影项目,也为好莱坞与古巴资金不足的电影产业之间的协作敞开了大门,其中包括下一部《速度与激情》(Fast&Furious)和伊桑·霍克(EthanHawke)的一部电影。

    The rules opened the door to american projects - which could include scenes for the next " Fast & Furious " movie and an Ethan Hawke film - and to collaboration between Hollywood and the island 's underfunded film sector .

  20. 这位摔跤运动员出身的演员最广为人知的作品是《速度与激情》系列电影。他在接受《GQ》杂志采访时,发表了此番言论,并斥责特朗普臭名昭著的旅行禁令。

    The wrestler-turned-actor , best known for his appearances in the Fast and the Furious franchise , made the comments during an interview with GQ in which he also criticised Donald Trump 's notorious travel ban .

  21. 速度与激情&又名:街头战车超高速光导开关的机理及测试系统

    Mechanism Analysis of Ultra - fast Photoconductive Switch and Its Measurement System

  22. 不,我是速度与激情,还是东京漂移版的呢

    No , I roll Fast and Furious . Tokyo drift style .

  23. 速度与激情3:东京漂移

    The Fast and the Furious : Tokyo Drift

  24. 《速度与激情6》在全球斩获7.89亿美元的票房。

    Fast & Furious 6 earned $ 789 million at the box office worldwide .

  25. 《速度与激情:特别行动》

    Fast & Furious Presents : Hobbs & Shaw

  26. 而对速度与激情的追求,则是我对汽车经久不衰热情的原动力。

    Aspire after speed and passion is the lifeblood of my enduring enthusiasm of automobiles .

  27. 保罗沃克凭借他在《速度与激情》系列影片中的表演为大众所熟知。

    Walker was best known for his roles in the Fast And The Furious movies .

  28. 沃克排名第六,得益于他演艺生涯中最卖座的影片《速度与激情6》。

    Walker places sixth thanks to Fast Furious 6 , the biggest hit of his career .

  29. 但是,最初他也深知仅自己一人之名并不能保证这首《速度与激情7》主题曲的销量。

    But he knew his name alone couldn 't sell the " Furious 7 " song .

  30. 滑雪作为一项充满着速度与激情的运动有着悠久的历史。

    The skiing as a movement is filling the speed and the passion has the glorious history .