
shā zhuī
  • snipe
沙锥[shā zhuī]
  1. “沙锥鸟”战斗机的驾驶舱空间不太宽敞。

    There was not much elbow room in the cockpit of a Snipe .

  2. 欧亚大陆和非洲普通的沙锥鸟。

    Common snipe of Eurasia and Africa .

  3. 双锥环的最大半径间隙东半球沙锥鸟,体大、色深。

    Radial gap of double-cone ring Old World snipe larger and darker than the whole snipe .

  4. 我发现沙锥鸟了!

    I found the snipe !

  5. 半球体一个对称的、近似球体的物体的一半,如被对称面分开者东半球沙锥鸟,体大、色深。

    A half of a symmetrical , approximately spherical object as divided by a plane of symmetry . Old World snipe larger and darker than the whole snipe .

  6. 近日,澳大利亚的科学家们建议进口外表凶猛的沙锥齿鲨并放入澳大利亚东海岸,这一提议立即吓坏了海滩游客和安保部门。

    In a scheme that smacks of carrying coal to Newcastle , scientists have proposed importing sharks to Australia 's east coast-causing consternation among tourism and beach safety authorities .