
  1. 他用枝条在沙地上画了一个圆。

    He drew a circle in the sand with a stick .

  2. 她在沙地上画了一条线。

    She traced a line in the sand .

  3. 他们躺在硬实的沙地上,听着海鸥的哀鸣。

    They lay on the firm sands , listening to the plaintive cry of the seagulls

  4. 现在,伯恩已经通过建造小雪橇并在沙地上拖拽重物来检验了这个想法。

    Bonn has now tested this idea by building small sleds and dragging heavy objects over sand .

  5. 阿姆拉姆:所罗门王告诉我们,他看见一些蚂蚁在路上的沙地上急匆匆地走着。他说他听见蚂蚁说,他们害怕马会骑在他们身上。

    Amram : King Solomon told us he had seen some ants hurrying along in the sand of the road . He said he had heard them say they were afraid that the horses would walk on them .

  6. 那么,斯摩列特船长,西尔弗说着,坐在沙地上,

    Well now , Capn Smollett , said Silver , sitting down in the sand ,

  7. 针对车辆在实际沙地上行驶的特点,应用将PI控制与门限控制联合起来的控制方法设计了沙地牵引力控制油门控制系统。

    According to the driving behavior of the four wheel drive vehicle on the sand terrain , an engine throttle controller for the traction control system ( TCS ) on the sand terrain was developed using the combination of the PI control and the threshold control .

  8. 小河在沙地上冲出了一条沟。

    The stream had washed out a channel in the sand .

  9. 他正在数潮湿沙地上的棱纹。

    He was counting the ridges in the wet sand .

  10. 轮胎在沙地上牵引特性的新预测模型

    A New Prediction Model for Tyre Tractive Performance on Sand

  11. 孩子们上午时间大部分时间都沙地上玩。

    The children spent most of the morning playing in the sand .

  12. 沙地上越野行驶轮胎滚动失效的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Tire Rolling Disability Under Running Condition

  13. 最好把房屋建在岩石上,而不要建在沙地上。

    It is better to build houses on rock not on sand .

  14. 他有一股想在沙地上跳舞的冲动。

    He had an impulse to dance on the sand .

  15. 沙地上所有的脚印都已相互抹掉了。

    In the sand , all the footprints had effaced one another .

  16. 他们过去常到河边的沙地上踢球。

    They used to play football on the sand by the river .

  17. 她说“我们住在一个沙地上建起的城堡里”

    She said ," we live in castles built on sand . "

  18. 车轮在沙地上滚动的稳定性分析

    The Stability Analysis of a Rolling Wheel on Sand

  19. 孩子们正忙着在沙地上挖洞。

    The children are busy digging in the sand .

  20. 他们发现沙地上有脚印。

    They saw a foot mark in the sand .

  21. 我来负责在沙地上做出字母图形。

    And I am gonna start sketching off the letters in the sand .

  22. 经济学是建在沙地上的吗?

    Is the discipline of economics built on sand ?

  23. 它静静地蜷着身子躺在沙漠的沙地上。

    It lay still , curled in desert sand .

  24. 而探测器在沙地上移动时,声音就会较小。

    When the sound is softer , the rover was moving on sand .

  25. 他们在沙地上勾画了那个设计图样。

    They traced out the design in the sand .

  26. 唱歌的美国兵站在下陷的沙地上唱歌。

    Singing Sammy sung songs on sinking sand .

  27. 木麻黄在沙地上具有速生特性,必须有高效的太阳能利用率。

    C.equisetifolia grows very fast and has a high rate of solar energy utilization .

  28. 我们要在令人痛苦的软沙地上长跑

    of long torturous runs in the soft sand

  29. 光著脚在沙地上跑的孩子们。

    Children running barefoot in the sand .

  30. 他赶快扑倒在沙地上。这时雨点般的炮弹正在他前后左右落地开花。

    He fell to the sand , just as the shells exploded all around him .