
yì huā shòu fěn zhí wù
  • cross pollinated plant
  1. 自交后代较高的雄性不育率反映了异花授粉植物雄性不育的普遍性。

    High male-sterility rate showed that male-sterility was common in cross-pollinated plants .

  2. 茶树是雌雄同株,异花授粉植物。茶树无性繁殖系品种多数是花而不实。

    Camellia sinensis is a monoecious and allogamous plant , and its clone varieties are mostly flowering rather than fruiting .

  3. 丹参的自然杂交结实率为75.4%,自交结实率为46.16%,表明丹参为常异花授粉植物。

    The fruiting rate was 46.6 % and 75.4 % under the self-pollination and the natural cross-pollination respectively , which indicated that Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge was a kind of cross-pollinating and self-pollinating plant .

  4. 黄花蒿的叶产量与生育期有直接关系,生育期越长,叶产量越高。3、黄花蒿为异花授粉植物,单株间青蒿素含量差异大,变异系数来源于长沙地区的为34。

    There is direct relationship between leaf yield and growth duration , and the longer the growth duration , the higher the leaf yield . 3 , A. annua is allogamous plant and artemisinin content varies greatly among single plants .