
  1. 大历江南诗人的佛学情缘

    Affection of Poets from the South for Buddhism in Da Li Period

  2. 被子植物121科517属1040种。本文主要分析大历山植物区系特征及珍稀濒危保护植物。

    1040 species , 517 genera and 121 families are the Angiosperms .

  3. 王维对大历诗风的影响

    WANG Weis Influence upon Poem Style in Dali Period

  4. 大历十才子研究

    10 Gifted Scholar Poetry Research in Da-Li Period

  5. 大历浙东和湖州文人集团的形成和诗歌创作泛论鲁迅白描浙东世相的艺术手法

    The Rise of East Zhejiang and Huzhou Literary Groups at Age Dali and Their Poetical Creation

  6. 第一章论述大历江南诗文化圈提法的合理性。

    The first chapter is the reasonableness of the nomination of the Da li poem period cultural circle .

  7. 唐代是边塞诗发展的极盛时期,中唐大历十才子和盛唐边塞诗派都写作了大量的边塞诗作。

    Tang Dynasty is a period of great prosperity in which plenty of frontier fortress poems were written .

  8. 唐代大历时期在诗歌创作上是相对冷寂的时期。

    During the period of Tang Dynasty , the poetry creation was in its relatively cold and silent period .

  9. 最后,对于大历十才子气骨顿衰的传统评价尝试提出了个人的看法。

    Finally , to make a personal evaluation of the traditional view of spirit and backbone declined suddenly of 10 Gifted Scholar poetry .

  10. 研究大历诗对于了解唐诗发展由盛转衰,又由衰转盛的原因和规律有其特殊的意义。

    Research to understand the development tang poetry Dali rags filled by failure , and the reason and rule turn has its special meaning .

  11. 耿湋是中唐时期著名的诗歌流派大历十才子的成员之一。

    Geng Wei is one of the well-known poetry school of middle Tang which is called the " Ten gifted youth of Dali period " .

  12. 大历五年冬天,先后游历衡阳、耒阳等地,大历十一年流徙到桂州。

    In the fifth winter of Dali period , he visited Hengyang and other places , and moved to Guizhou in the Dali eleventh year .

  13. 他在亚特兰大历来以黑人为主的大学和餐馆如鱼得水,远离了尼日利亚一连串的军事政变和流产选举。

    He felt comfortable amid Atlanta 's historically black colleges and restaurants , far away from a succession of military coups and botched elections in Nigeria .

  14. 在诗歌题材、审美理想、创作艺术等各个层面,大历十才子与宋诗之间都存在一定的渊源关系。

    In subject matters , aesthetic ideal , and artistic characteristics , etc ," ten talents in Dali period " and Song poetry have certain relations .

  15. 因而,大历十才子在中唐诗史上起着承上启下和转折过渡的独特作用,有着无可替代的独特地位。

    Thus , 10 Gifted Scholar poetry in the history of a Tang poem form the unique role of the transition point and having indispensably unique status .

  16. 大历十才子与方外隐逸诗人之隐逸诗比较电子从热灯丝逸出,叫做热电子发射。

    Comparison of Poems Between Ten Talents in Dali Period and Poets in Seclusion ; The liberation of electrons from a hot wire is called thermionic emission .

  17. 但在中唐时期,主要是代宗大历年间,在该地区却出现了“崇儒兴学”的活跃景象。

    But in the Mid-Tang period , mainly in Dai Zong period , an active scene of " Worshiping Confucianism and vitalizing education " came into being .

  18. 只有了解大历江南诗人和佛教的关系,才能更好地评价他们的诗歌创作。

    Understanding the relationship between poets from the South in Da Li Period and Buddhism helps evaluate poetic creation of poets from the South in Da Li Periold .

  19. 研究安史之乱中的诗歌创作,对于理解盛唐到大历乃至中唐文学的转变有着重要的意义。

    Researching on the poetry of this certain period is significant to understand the literary change from Prosperous Tang-dynasty to Dali period and even the Mid-tang - dynasty .

  20. 中唐时期大历诗人的创作,即大历诗风指的是大历至贞元年间活跃于诗坛上的一批诗人的共同的诗歌风貌。

    In the tang dynasty poet of the creation of poetry , namely , refers to the zhenyuan years of active in poetic world of poets of common poetry style .

  21. 总而言之,大历诗歌由于其独特的时代性以及特殊的艺术魅力,它在中国文学史上具有不可轻忽的价值和承前启后的重要作用。

    In short , Dali poetry because of its unique epoch and special artistic charm in the Chinese literary history , it has the value and do not neglect the important role .

  22. 由皎然与高仲武对江南诗人的评论看大历贞元诗风之变

    A Study of the Changes in the Style of Dali and Zhenyuan Poetry by Poets in the Area South of the Changjiang River as Seen in the Reviews by Jao Ran and Gao Zhong-wu

  23. 处于盛唐、中唐两座文学高峰之间,大历诗坛像低谷中的涓涓细流,轻吟浅唱,悄然生变而不易为人所觉察。

    The poetry of Dali period is like a sluggish trickle of stream silently flowing in a valley between two literary peaks of the Prosperous Tang Dynasty and the Mid-Tang Dynasty , hardly to be noticed .

  24. 正是因为如此,历代对这一时期的诗歌研究也相对薄弱,特别是对大历时期作为一个诗人群体出现的大历十才子的研究更显薄弱。

    And just because of this , the study on the poetry of this period was relatively weak , especially on the study of " Ten Wits of Dali Period " who appeared as a poet group .

  25. 安徽省大历山有维管束植物1151种(包括变种、栽培种),隶属579属154科,其中蕨类植物28科56属103种;

    There are 1151 species ( including varieties cultivar ) of vascular plants in Mt. Dali , which belong to 579 genera and 154 families . Among these 103 species , 56 genera and 8 families represent the pteridophytes ;

  26. 《诗式》产生于唐代中期大历贞元年间,是唐代重要的诗学著作。它有着深刻的思想和完整的体系。但直至今天,人们对它的重视不够,研究不够。

    Shishi , which was written in Da-li and Zhen-yuan years of Tang dynasty , is an important poetics composing , It has profound theories and complete system , But , till now , less recognition and research were focused on it .

  27. 最后,本文在前两部分的研究基础上,论述了研究大历诗歌的重要价值和意义。

    Finally , based on the first two parts research basis , the article discusses the research of poetry Dali value and significance , and illustrates the Dali poetry in the history of Chinese literature do not neglect of value and link important role .

  28. 唐诗气象是一个不断变化的历史范畴,它经历了初唐之起始、盛唐之正宗、中唐大历之接武、贞元之流变、乃至晚唐之遗响的发展历程。

    Tang poems ' meteorology has a dynamic historical category which experienced outset at the beginning of Tang Dynasty , orthodox age in prosperous Tang Dynasty , development in Middle Tang Dynasty , evolution at the Zhenyuan times , and the remaining grace in late Tang Dynasty .

  29. 大历诗人不仅在创作上接受谢灵运,还将谢灵运的诗歌作为一种艺术精神和人生境界深深化入自己的灵魂,在人生和艺术实践中发现并再现谢灵运诗歌。

    From the perspective of Poetry writing , the Dali Dynasty poets accept Xie Lingyun , they also put Xie Lingyun poetry as an artistic spirit and realm of life into their soul . In life and art practice , they discover and reproduce Xie Lingyun poetry .

  30. 从战乱中走过来的大历十才子,他们大多还来不及感受盛唐的气息,就已经被卷入了战乱的漩涡中,看不到对生活的希望。

    Mainly discusses the first part of the war came from the Frontier Fortress acceptance of the Yu . Most of them had time to feel the breath of Tang Dynasty , it has been involved in the maelstrom of war , can not see hope in life .