
bēi tíng
  • stele pavilion;a pavillion housing a tablet;a pavillion built over a stone tablets
碑亭 [bēi tíng]
  • [stele pavilion] 对石碑起保护作用的亭子

碑亭[bēi tíng]
  1. 园中最抢眼的墨迹,自然是洗砚池旁边的御碑亭。

    The shiniest calligraphy in the garden is of course Yubei Pavilion beside Xiyan Pond .

  2. 主要建筑有皇史宬门、正殿、东西配殿、御碑亭等,四周围以朱墙。

    Building a major imperial history Cheng door , the main hall , things Peidian , Royal Beiting , surrounded by Zhu wall .

  3. 再立块长着苔藓的碑石;陵前有碑亭,一石碑上镌刻着桥陵龙驭四字。

    I placed one mossy stone above ; Before the tomb is a pavilion in which stands a stone tablet bearing words to the effect that the emperor 's horse-drawn carriage parks here .