
bēi míng
  • inscriptions on a tablet;a part of an inscriptional writing, usually in rhyme
碑铭 [bēi míng]
  • [inscriptions on a tablet] 碑文和铭文。有韵的碑文,叫铭

碑铭[bēi míng]
  1. v.题字;碑铭根据基石上的碑铭,这栋建筑物建于1919年。

    inscription According to the inscription on its cornerstone , this building was erected in 1919 .

  2. 在巴加尔统治时期,在帕伦克成兴建了很多广场和建筑,包括最高的“碑铭神庙”(TemplodelasInscripciones,他的陵墓),这些建筑共同的特色是精致的灰泥浅浮雕。

    During Pakal 's reign , many plazas and buildings , including the superlative Templo de las Inscripciones ( his Mausoleum ), were constructed in Palenque , characterized by very fine stucco bas-reliefs .

  3. 其他遗迹还包括几座稍小的佛塔,一座聚会厅(支提caitya),一个有碑铭的阿育王石柱,几座修道院(公元4–11世纪)。

    Other remains include several smaller stupas , an assembly hall ( caitya ), an Asokan pillar with inscription , and several monasteries ( 4th – 11th cent . CE ) .

  4. 中国突厥语景教碑铭文献概说

    A Brief Introduction of Nestorian Inscription Documents in turkic in China

  5. 这个古老纪念碑上的碑铭很难读出来。

    The inscription on the ancient monument was very hard to read .

  6. 碑铭所涉少数民族族属的确定。

    Two , inscriptions involved in the determination of the minority ethnic .

  7. 《古代突厥文碑铭研究》评介

    A Comment on Studies of the Old Turkic Inscriptions

  8. 那块碑铭好像已过磨损。

    The inscription seems to have been worn away .

  9. 研究主要包括以下内容:一、碑铭历史研究价值的判定。

    Study include the following : First , the inscriptions historical research value judgment .

  10. 景区内还有历史、书法和文学价值极高的石刻碑铭等。

    And there have stone inscriptions of history , calligraphy and culture of high-value .

  11. 通讯社声称,一些史前古器物含有用古亚拉姆语提的碑铭。

    Some of the artifacts contained inscriptions in the ancient Aramaic language , it said .

  12. 刻在墓碑或纪念碑上的碑铭用来纪念埋葬于此的人们。

    An inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person buried there .

  13. 对古代碑铭文字的研究。

    The study of ancient inscriptions .

  14. 刻在黑色玄武岩上的一种碑铭;给出了解读埃及象形文字第一线索。

    An inscription of a black basalt stone ; gave first clue to decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics .

  15. 第二,通过碑铭文献中关于水的记载,分析维吾尔先民对水的认识。

    Second , through the inscription literature about water analyzed the Uighur ancestors ' awareness of water .

  16. 从出土碑铭看泉州和扬州的景教来源

    To View the Origin of Nestorianism in Quanzhou and Yangzhou from the Inscriptions of the Excavated Tombstones

  17. 碑铭中少数民族进入中原的时间、原因和方式的探究。

    Inscriptions minorities into the Central Plains of the time , the cause and manner of inquiry .

  18. 从区域社会文化的视角看待碑铭,碑铭显示出不同于传统史学的社会史资料价值。碑铭是研究地域史的重要资料。

    The inscription had different material value for studying social history from the angle of regional social culture .

  19. 我的碑铭注视着你,仿佛在寻找生命的意义。

    My inscriptions stare out at you as I search for the meaning of why we are here .

  20. 这种观点基本是符合历史事实的,通过墨迹和碑铭的比较大致能够证明这一点。

    This complies with historical truth , which could be proved by means of comparing the writing and inscription .

  21. 这个古老纪念碑上的碑铭很难读出来。碑文铭记他的爱国行动。

    The inscription on the ancient monument was very hard to read . A tablet commemorates his patriotic activities .

  22. 第三章通过探讨研究突厥的语言文字与碑铭文献,说明古突厥族史学的发展与个性特点。

    The third chapter studies Turkic language and inscription literature to display the evolution and characteristics of Turkic historiography .

  23. 这些词不仅体现了碑铭赞文献的特点,还体现了汉语词汇的丰富性。

    These words manifest not only the characteristics of inscription literature , but also the richness of Chinese vocabulary .

  24. 古代突厥文碑铭的发现和解读&纪念汤木森解读古代突厥文一百一十年

    The Finding and Interpretation of Ancient Turkic Epitaph : the 110 Anniversary of Thomas ' Interpretation of Ancient Turkic Scripts

  25. 似是而非的是,迦南语的碑铭是一些地理名词和源自于阿拉伯的宗教用语连成一体。

    It is plausible that inscriptions in the Canaanite language incorporated some geographic and religious phrases that originated in Arabic .

  26. 本文综述了古代突厥文碑铭的发现和解读研究情况,为进一步的深入研究奠定了基础。

    This article summarizes the studies on the findings and explanations of ancient Turkic epitaphs as a basis for further studies .

  27. 碑铭、肖像的证据,还有参考文献表明,虔诚的有神论在公元前二世纪浮现。

    Inscriptions , iconographic evidence , and literary references point to the emergence of devotional theism in the 2nd century BC .

  28. 另外,学术界历来对诸古代突厥文碑铭文本的性质是散文还是诗歌作品的问题,有诸多分歧。

    Moreover , there are some arguments concerning the genre of various Old Turkic inscriptions whether they are prose or poetry .

  29. 有关回纥汗国古突厥文碑铭的研究,因碑文残缺、释读困难,其成果较多被人忽视。

    For the deformed inscriptions and difficult interpretations , the studies of old Turkic inscriptions in Uighur Kingom aren 't usually neglected .

  30. 墓志铭刻于墓碑上用以怀念死者的碑铭这个古老纪念碑上的碑铭很难读出来。

    An inscription on a tombstone in memory of the one buried there . The inscription on the ancient monument was very hard to read .