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  • stele;a stone tablet;stela
  • 刻上文字纪念事业、功勋或作为标记的石头:石~。丰~。墓~。口~。~文。~碣。~刻(刻在碑上的文字或图画)。~拓(tà )。~帖。~林。里程~(a.设于道路旁边用以记载里数的标志;b.喻在历史发展进程中可以作为象征或标志的大事)。有口皆~。


(刻上文字竖起作为纪念或标记的石头) a stone tablet; stele; stela:

  • 墓碑


  • 纪念碑


  • 人民英雄纪念碑

    the Monument to the People's Heroes;

  • 里程碑


  1. 你看,大秦景教流行中国碑。

    Look at this stele describing the Daqin Jingjiao religion in China .

  2. 论阮元的书法理论及其碑学成就

    On Calligraphy Theory & Stele Study Achievement of Ruan Yuan

  3. 这座碑是为纪念他而建的。

    The monument was erected in his honour .

  4. 碑上刻着捐款者的名字。

    On the tablet are inscribed the names of the donators .

  5. 前言:目的:研究碑转移瘤的CT诊断。

    Objective : To study CT diagnosis of splenic metastasis .

  6. FMS装卸工作站小碑装夹零件基准值的测量软件研究

    Research on Software Measuring Datum Value of Loading Spares Used on the FMS

  7. 其它法律诉讼仍在进行,如在公有土地上立宗教纪念碑,包括十字架与十诫碑(TenCommandments)。

    Other legal disputes are still being fought over monuments such as crosses and the Ten Commandments on publicly owned land .

  8. 解放碑十字金街VS伦敦金融城伦敦金融城市长率英国金融机构代表团访渝

    Lord Mayor of the City of London and the UK Financial Delegation Visited Chongqing Chongqing International Financial Street & the City of London

  9. 该文论述了最近研制成功的FMS装卸工作站计算机显示控制系统中,小碑夹具零件定位基准值的测量计算方法和测量显示软件。

    The measuring and calculating method and software of a computerized measuring and displaying system used on the FMS are presented in this paper .

  10. LaThSc和ThScZr10判别图清楚地表明,刘老碑组页岩形成于大陆岛弧构造环境,岛弧可能位于研究区的南部边缘。

    La Th Sc and Th Sc Zr / 10 discriminatory diagrams suggested that LF shales were formed in a tectonic setting of continental island arc , and the island arc might locate south margin of the studied area .

  11. 18岁生日对于每个人来说都是人生的一个重要时刻,但是对于娇小的JyotiAmge来说,这里程碑式的日子更是一件大事。

    Celebrating your 18th birthday is a momentous occasion for anyone , but for tiny Jyoti Amge the milestone is even bigger news .

  12. 例如,对于拼错的puzzel,找不到“路碑”可以到达拼写正确的英文单词。

    For instance , there are no " stepping stones " from the misspelling puzzel to any correctly spelled English word .

  13. 图片引自:BhushanKotakar赫蒂文明赫蒂文明位于今土耳其安纳托利亚地区,存在于公元前26世纪至约18世纪。他们是该地区最早的城市居民,其存在的证据可追溯至公元前24世纪的阿卡德楔形文字石碑中。

    Photo credit : Bhushan Kotakar 10 、 Hattian Civilization The Hattians were a civilization which inhabited the area of present-day Anatolia , Turkey from the 26th century to around the 18th century B.C. Believed to be the earliest urban settlers of the area , their existence can be traced to 24th-century Akkadian cuneiform tablets .

  14. 福建省历代森林封禁碑考析

    Research on Closed Forest Steles of Successive Dynasties in Fujian province

  15. 迩成全我的心碎、拼成永世爱迩的碑。

    You help me brokenhearted , spells always loves your tablet .

  16. 他的未亡人特立此碑以为纪念。

    THIS TABLET Is erected to his Memory BY HIS WIDOW .

  17. 他的姊姊特立此碑以为纪念。

    THIS TABLET Is erected to his Memory BY HIS SISTER .

  18. 他们建了一座大理石碑来纪念他的父亲。

    They put up a marBle taBlet in memory of his father .

  19. 古代突厥语扬州景教碑研究

    A Study on an Ancient Turkic Nestorian Inscription in Yangzhou

  20. 后人应该好好修一座碑来纪念修渠的勇士们。

    Later generations should set up a monument to commemorate those heroes .

  21. 《张迁碑》及其书法艺术

    The Stele of Zhang Qian and its Art of Calligraphy

  22. 为了缅怀在战争中牺牲的人们而建的碑。

    Built to honor soldiers who died in a war .

  23. 约西亚问说,我所看见的是什么碑?

    Then he said , what is this monument which I see ?

  24. 人们树碑纪念为祖国而死的战士。

    People raise monuments to soldiers who have died for their country .

  25. 避暑山庄碑诗解说五则

    Five Explanation of the Poems on the Steles in the Summer Resort

  26. 先唐纪功碑与墓碑的发展与演变

    The Development and Evolvement of Contribution Inscription and Tombstone of Pre-T'ang Dynasty

  27. 除了头像方碑,赫密士也是一个艺术家们的通俗题材。

    Apart from herms , Hermes was a popular subject for artists .

  28. 没有人知道为什么要建这些柱碑。

    No one has clearly determined why Stonehenge was built .

  29. 上林壮族唐碑的历史价值和书法艺术

    Historic Value and Handwriting Art of Tang Inscriptions at Shanglin of Zhuang People

  30. 论雕龙碑文化遗址的价值

    On the Value of the Culture Ruin of the Diao Long Stone Tablet