
  • 网络Consumer Participation;consumer engagement
  1. 废旧家电管理中的消费者参与及回收模式研究

    A Study on Consumer Participation and Take-back Models of Waste Household Electronic Appliances Management

  2. 论产品标准制定的消费者参与机制&兼谈《标准化法》的修改

    On the Mechanism of Consumer Participation in Making Product Standards : A Discussion about Amending of Standardization Law

  3. 让消费者参与进来,这对我们很重要。

    It is quite important for us to engage with consumers .

  4. 其次是消费者参与产品标准制定的相关权利。

    Secondly , the consumer product standard in the relevant rights .

  5. 他们经常让消费者参与到制作过程之中。

    They often involve consumers in trying the craft themselves .

  6. 消费者参与产品标准制定是行政正当程序的应有之义。

    Consumers ' participation in product standard setting is the proper procedure .

  7. 其次是健全消费者参与公司治理的具体制度和相关配套施的完善。

    The second is the perfection of concrete system and supporting facilities .

  8. 让消费者参与顾客价值的创造

    Make Customer Be the Creator of Customer Value

  9. 这些为消费者参与公司治理提供了很好的现实基础和法律依据。

    These consumers participating in the company governance provides a good basis and legal basis .

  10. 消费者参与的网络营销时代

    The Era of Network Marketing with Consumers

  11. 发布这些重要信息可提高电力消费者参与市场的信心和选择电力产品的能力,对于提高电力市场的竞争性是非常重要的。

    Disclosure of critical information is important to improve the com - petition in electricity markets .

  12. 然后考虑到现金交易,其实是一种存在着消费者参与的逃税行为。

    However , such sales by cash are a tax evading action with which need consumers join .

  13. 由此,消费者参与产品标准的制定能够使产品标准满足市场经济提出的新要求。

    Therefore , Consumer participating in making product standards guarantees the product standards to meet market new demand .

  14. 安利成心诈骗消费者参与传销,期间他们将不可防止的要遭受财富损失。

    Amway deliberately deceives consumers to enroll in the pyramid scheme in which they inevitably suffer financial loss .

  15. 围绕本文论题,笔者认为消费者参与产品制定的法理基础主要在于以下方面。

    On this topic , I think the consumer product part in the legal basis in the following aspects .

  16. 教育消费要求消费者参与消费过程,并对消费者的消费能力有一定要求。教育消费存在一定的竞争性和排他性、具有阶段性和非重复性等特征。

    It demands consumers to participate in a certain competitiveness and exclusiveness , and has the natural of gradualness and non-duplication .

  17. 信息、能力和制度模型能系统解释公用事业价格听证中的消费者参与。

    This paper holds that consumer participation in price hearings can be systematically explained by a tripartite model of information , capacity , and institution .

  18. 调查数据显示,中国公用事业价格听证中的消费者参与在这三个方面都存在问题,这也是完善未来中国公用事业价格听证中消费者参与的重点所在。

    Our survey shows that China 's present consumer participation in price hearings on public utilities has a great deal to improve in these three aspects .

  19. 近年来,中国的网络购物一直都处于飞速发展的水平,越来越多的消费者参与到网络购物当中。

    In recent years , online shopping has been at the level of rapid development in China , more and more consumers have involved in it .

  20. 我国的网络购物市场发展极其迅速,交易规模翻番,越来越多的消费者参与到网络购物中。

    Our country network shopping market has developed extremely fast and trading size has enlarge in double , more and more consumers involved in the network shopping .

  21. 从此入手,本文综合运用定性分析、价值分析和规范分析等方法,主要探讨的是产品标准制定的消费者参与机制这一我国标准化制度转型中的一个小问题。

    Since then , this article mainly to the product standards for consumer participation mechanisms which is our Standardization system in the transformation of a small problem .

  22. 全方位进行网球培训工作,结合全民健身运动、降低网球门槛、让更多的消费者参与网球运动。

    5 , an omni-tennis training , combined with the nationwide fitness campaign to reduce the threshold tennis , so that more consumers to participate in tennis .

  23. 也就是说,人们并不总说“消费者参与”或是“用户参与”,他们会任意地用营销业的某一行话来取而代之。

    I mean it is not often called'customer participation'or'consumer participation ' . It 's wrapped up in whichever marketing company 's buzzword they have decided to call it .

  24. 论文的第六章继接前四章的内容,从信息、能力和制度三个方面论述了中国公用事业价格听证中消费者参与的改进路径。

    Continuing these four chapters ' contents , Chapter six discusses the improving way of Chinese public utility prices hearing from the three aspects of information , capacity and institution .

  25. 但是,现代公司治理理念要求公司必须考虑利益相关者的合法权益,食品安全问题的频发也对消费者参与公司治理提出了迫切要求。

    However , the modern company management concept requires that the company must consider the stakeholders ' legitimate rights and interests , food safety problem more to consumer participation in corporate governance urgently .

  26. 品牌还可以通过投放植入社交舆情内容的在线广告,显著提高消费者参与度,增加消费者停留时间、品牌美誉度和购买意向。

    Brands can also achieve a significant increase in engagement for online display advertisements that embed social sentiment content , driving an increase in time spent , brand favourability , and purchase intent .

  27. 调查发现,参加农业观光旅游的游客呈现出年轻化且收入水平不高的主要特征,而影响消费者参与的主要因素是交通等配套设施的不完善及旅游项目的单一化等问题。

    The results show that the tourists are mainly the young with low income and the main factors influencing consumers to participate in tourist agriculture are the traffic imperfection and singularity of tourism project etc.

  28. 论文第二章主要论述了信息、能力和制度框架,说明了信息的获取、运用及保障对于消费者参与的作用,从而引出后四章的核心内容。

    Chapter two focuses on the framework of information , capacity and institution , which stated the obtaining and use of information , protection of the consumer participation . It leads to the core of later four chapters .

  29. 评选流程上,要提高消费者参与度,拓展企业排名项目;评选方案要注重客户满意度测评和质量评价的细则。

    Aspects in the evaluation processe , it should increase consumers participation and expand projects to rank business . Aspects in the evaluation program , it should focus on the details of the satisfaction measurement and quality evaluation .

  30. 此外,价格听证作为公用事业价格决策的必经程序,消费者参与在实践中有较多的实例,笔者在论文中选取一些在某此方面具有代表情的侧面对消费者的参与进行了论证。

    In addition , the public utility prices hearing as an indispensable part of the decision-making process , the participation of consumers in practice has some more examples , the author choose some representative aspects to demonstrate the consumer participation .