
  • 网络infectious disease of digestive tract
  1. 口腔齿科手机是HBV、HCV、HIV等血液传播性疾病和消化道传染病的传播媒介。

    The dental handpiece is transmitting mediums of blood transmitted diseases and infectious diseases of digestive tract , such as HBV , HCV , HIV etc.

  2. 灾后第二年,除了消化道传染病外,呼吸道传染病的上升也较显著。

    And in the year after the flooding , the incidence of respiratory diseases increased also .

  3. 介水性隐孢子虫病是由于饮用了含隐孢子虫卵囊的水引起的以腹泻为主要症状的消化道传染病。

    Water-borne cryptosporidiosis is an alimentary infectious disease caused by cryptosporidium oocysts through contamination of drinking water .

  4. 方法收集湖北省19512004年消化道传染病疫情资料进行统计分析。

    Methods Epidemic situation data of the notifiable communicable diseases and some other important diseases in Hubei province were collected and analyzed .

  5. 伤寒是由伤寒杆菌引起的经消化道传播的急性传染病。

    Typhoid is caused by Salmonella typhi , as the spread of acute gastrointestinal disease .