
kōnɡ jiàn ɡé lí
  • spatial isolation
  1. 小毛茛居群的遗传分化及其与空间隔离的相关性

    Genetic differentiation and the relation to spatial isolation among populations of Ranunculus ternatus

  2. 混交林树种空间隔离程度表达方式的研究

    Measuring Species Spatial Isolation in Mixed Forests

  3. 始终将DB2日志放在与表空间隔离的磁盘,以避免关键数据库组件之间的I/O争用。

    Always attempt to place DB2 logs on a separate disk from the tablespaces to avoid I / O contention between these critical database components .

  4. 当所需信号与多径干扰信号空间隔离度越大,CMA阵列的抗多径干扰性能越好。

    However , CMA array has a better performance in reducing CCI than that in reducing multipath interference .

  5. 研究了空间隔离设计和接收机前端限幅控制电路的设计方法以及HPM短脉冲雷达接收机保护装置的系统结构;

    The design method of spacial isolation and receiver front end amplitude limiting controlled circuit and their system structure are also studied , then the experimental analysis is given .

  6. 通过基于TD-SCDMA单系统平台仿真分析PHS下行对TD-SCDMA上行的干扰,可得出TD-SCDMA系统与PHS系统共存所需的空间隔离度。

    The space isolation required between TD-SCDMA and PHS can be obtained by analyzing the interference from the PHS downlink on the TD-SCDMA uplink based on the emulation for a single TD-SCDMA system .

  7. 东莞小城镇外来人口居住空间隔离与整合问题研究

    Research on Segregation and Conformity of Living Space of Floating Population In Dongguan

  8. 解决了管道、阀门等内部空间隔离的问题。

    The inflatable closure plug solves inner air isolation problems of pipelines and valves .

  9. 间伐后,林木空间隔离程度上仍然处于弱度混交。

    But , it remained weakly of the degree of the spatial isolation after thinning .

  10. 空间隔离包括物质空间隔离、社会空间隔离、心理空间隔离。

    The spatial segregation includes physical spatial segregation , social spatial segregation and mental spatial segregation .

  11. 西宁种群组和兰州种群组属于系统发生连续,具有部分空间隔离的地理格局。

    There was " Phylogenetic continuity , partial spatial separation " geographic pattern between Lanzhou pop-group and Xining pop-group .

  12. 通过对上海市静安区南京西路街道地区的案例,研究了大都市核心区的社会空间隔离。

    The paper demonstrates the case of Nanjing Xilu Street areas to study the socio-spatial segregation in nuclei areas of Metropolis Shanghai .

  13. 空间隔离是进入文明时代的人类群体聚居的普遍状态,它将伴随阶级社会城市发展过程的始终。

    The spatial isolation is the universal state , with human group entering civilized era and it will be accompanied throughout all the urban development process .

  14. 究其原因,制度歧视和文化差异是深层次的原因,而经济地位悬殊、空间隔离、偏见歧视态度、缺乏交往机会是影响通婚意愿和产生巨大社会距离的直接原因。

    The root reasons for this social phenomenon are system discrimination and cultural difference , and the direct reasons for it are economic status , spatial isolation , prejudice and inadequate connection .

  15. 通过在高羊茅单株选择圃选择理想的单株和无性系,使其在空间隔离条件下自由授粉的育种方法培育出4个暂定名为98-19,98-20,98-21和98-22的高羊茅新品系。

    New lines of turf type tall fescue , temporarily named 98-19 , 98-20 , 98-21 and 98-22 , were bred by selecting desirable plants to be open pollinated in an isolated field plots .

  16. 以天津泰达为例进行分析,指出我国的一些沿海开发区在长期发展过程中,在取得成就的同时也面临着经济风险-社会失衡-空间隔离-发展鸿沟-区域失控等诸多问题;

    The paper thinks there are not only great achievements but also many notable problems-economy hazard - community unbalance-spatial seclusion-development gap-region disperse in the development zones of seaside region of china base on the case of TEDA .

  17. 本文根据连铸板坯运动图像特征,利用直线相关约束和检测区域空间隔离滤波方法,成功实现连铸板坯长度在线实时跟踪测量。

    The paper realized the continuos casting slab length of on - line tracking measurement system successfully with application of line related constraint and space filter of measuring area according to the features of continuos casting slab image .

  18. 这些研究分别从个体、种群和同一种群在不同时间尺度上描绘了它们与现代生物种之间的亲缘关系、过去发生的生物迁移和空间隔离以及特定生物分子水平上的时间演化。

    These studies described the genetic relationship between ancient species and their modern one , the spatial and geographic patterns about the migration and separation in past and molecular evolution rate of particular species in individual , population and time-dependent population scales .

  19. Linux-VServer通过修改Linux内核实现用户空间的隔离。

    Linux-VServer achieves user-space isolation through a set of modifications to the Linux kernel .

  20. 城市社会空间的隔离也是人们自我选择的结果。

    Urban social isolation is also roomed in the self-selection of people .

  21. PM&空间的隔离性定理

    The separated theory on the PM - space

  22. 西方城市社会学为我们提供了分析空间类隔离的理论视角,我们可以从其异彩纷呈的理论中汲取丰富的营养以资参考和借鉴。

    Western urban sociology provide us some analytical theory perspective in spatial segregation phenomenon , we can draw nutrition from its extraordinary splendors theory for reference .

  23. 研究结果表明,分层网络中采用机会接入式认知干扰协调比采用空间距离隔离式认知干扰协调的覆盖性能要更优,但是随着隔离距离的增加,这种优势将逐渐变小。

    The results show that the coverage performance is better in two-tier cellular networks with opportunistic access based cognitive interference coordination than that with distance separation based cognitive interference coordination , but the advantage becomes smaller with the increase of the separated distance .

  24. 或许岁月将往事褪色,或许空间将彼此隔离。

    May memories fade , perhaps years will be isolated .

  25. 或许岁月将往事消退,或许空间让彼此隔离虽然如此,我也要为你祈祷,为你祝福!

    Perhaps the past years will be dissipated , perhaps space for mutual isolation Nevertheless , I would also like to pray for you , for your blessing !

  26. 男性和女性在舞台空间上的隔离象征了两性在社会政治生活、语言、思维方式等层面的不同。

    The separation of the male and female characters on stage symbolizes the separation of men and women in social life , discourse and mode of thinking in reality .

  27. 城市居住空间的类隔离对社区发展而言利弊共存:第一,空间类隔离有利于贯彻分类管理与分类指导的原则,增强社区服务的针对性,从而提高城市社区建设与治理水平。

    First , the space isolation helps to put into effect the principles of classified management and guidance , so as to strengthen the guidance of community service and improve the level of urban community construction and management .

  28. 近50%的人会经常使用羽绒被来分割空余的空间,以隔离自己的另一半打鼾,四分之一的人是为了摆脱自身的焦躁不安。十分之一的人则是被他们的孩子或宠物占据。

    Nearly 50 per cent who do tend to usually share a duvet head for the spare room to escape their other half 's snoring and a quarter to get away from their restlessness.One in ten are pushed out by their child or pet .

  29. 就空间趋势而言,隔离已在多种尺度上出现。

    In terms of spatial tendency , segregation has taken place at multi-scale .

  30. 讲故事的空间&南非种族隔离博物馆案例分析

    A telling story space : a case study of the Apartheid Museum in South Africa