
  • 网络airborne;air-borne infection;air-borne transmission;air-borne;airborne transmission
  1. 许多人对空气传播的污染物过敏,比如花粉。

    Many people are allergic to airborne pollutants such as pollen .

  2. 接着,他们把实际的传播过程与计算机模拟生成的三类爆发情况做了比较。这三类爆发分别是由鼠蚤传播、经空气传播以及依靠人类身上寄生的跳蚤和虱子传播的模拟情况。

    They then compared the actual spread to three computer-simulated outbreaks : One where the disease was transmitted by rat fleas1 , one where it was airborne and another that modelled the transmission by fleas and lice that live on humans and their clothes .

  3. 空气传播的Ocimene能作为一种气传信号分子,在不同的植物体之间起着化学通讯的作用。

    Airborne Ocimene , as a signaling molecule , plays a role in chemical communication between different fronds .

  4. 通过与ERIC-PCR的同源性比较,其同源性在100%的菌株其耐药菌谱也相同,进一步证明了医院环境中的气载大肠杆菌可通过空气传播,造成医源性的交叉感染。

    Through homology comparation with ERIC-PCR , the strains whose homology were up to 100 % had the same resistant spectrum . This further proved airborne E. coli in hospital environment could come through the air and cause iatric cross-infection .

  5. 对于通过空气传播的污染物PM2.5,50%至60%是来自煤炭及煤炭相关产业。PM2.5是直径小于等于2.5微米的颗粒物,它们能够深入肺部,增加人们罹患肺癌、中风和其他疾病的危险。

    Coal and coal-related industrial processes account for 50 percent to 60 percent of the airborne pollutants known as PM 2.5 or particles 2.5 micrometers or smaller that make their way deep into the lungs , increasing the likelihood of lung cancer , stroke and other diseases .

  6. 尽管名为N95呼吸防护口罩的这种过滤口罩能够捕捉到更多的依靠空气传播的病原体,但它们的售价更高,而且与外科口罩相比供应量也大大不足——这在流感大爆发的情况下不免令人担。

    While the filters , called N95 respirators , can catch a much wider range of airborne pathogens , they are more expensive and in much shorter supply than the masks - of great concern during a flu pandemic .

  7. 尚无流行病学证据支持人之间通过空气传播。

    There is no epidemiological evidence supporting airborne spread between humans .

  8. 与普通感冒一样,该病经空气传播。

    Like the common cold , it spreads through the air .

  9. 你听到的大多数声音都是通过空气传播的。

    Most of the sounds you hear come through the air .

  10. 导致肺结核的结核杆菌一般是由空气传播的。

    Typically , TB bacteria called mycobacterium tuberculosis , are airborne .

  11. 肺结核通过空气传播。

    Tuberculosis is a disease that is spread through the air .

  12. 它不像流感是通过空气传播。

    It 's not transmitted through the air like the flu .

  13. 空气传播分子污染物、源头及监控系统的研究

    Study on Source Airborne Molecular Contaminant , and Monitoring System

  14. 不太可能引起咳嗽导致的空气传播。

    Too deep for a cough to get it airborne .

  15. 音叉通过空气传播声音。

    A tuning fork transmits sound waves through the air .

  16. 通过空气传播的声波。

    A sound wave that is transmitted via air .

  17. 说不定是什么空气传播的细菌跟我们作对。

    Maybe we 're dealing with something airborne .

  18. 空气传播的致癌物在大气中是烟炱粒子上吸附的物质。

    The airborne carcinogens are in the atmosphere as absorbed matter on soot particles .

  19. 当感染者急促地排出气体时病毒通过空气传播。

    The virus spreads through the air when an infected person expels air suddenly .

  20. 洁净室及其相关控制环境第8部分空气传播分子污染物分类

    BS EN ISO14644-8-2006 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments-Part

  21. 肠炎沙门氏菌在鸭群中经口服感染和空气传播的研究

    Transmission of Salmonella enteritidis via oral and air - borne routes in the duck flock

  22. 银胶菊皮炎:内吸收性接触性皮炎还是空气传播性接触性皮炎?

    Parthenium dermatitis : Is it a systemic contact dermatitis or an airborne contact dermatitis ?

  23. 结核是一种通过空气传播但可以预防和治愈的疾病。

    Tuberculosis ( TB ) is an airborne infectious disease that can be prevented and cured .

  24. 调高播音系统的音量音叉通过空气传播声音。

    Turn up the puBlic-address system . A tuning fork transmits sound waves through the air .

  25. 信息素是由空气传播的分子,使得相同物种能够进行非言语交流。

    These are the airborne molecules that enable members of the same species to communicate non-verbally .

  26. 答:结核病是通过空气传播的一种传染性肺病。

    A : Tuberculosis ( TB ) is a contagious lung disease that spreads through the air .

  27. 结核病菌一旦爆发就难以预防,因为它是通过空气传播。

    Once the outbreak of TB would be difficult to prevent , because it is through air-borne .

  28. 某些核辐射可能通过空气传播到美国西海岸。

    Some of that radioactivity could carry in the atmosphere to the west coast of the United States .

  29. 她的研究组将确定牛分枝杆菌传播的风险因子,包括通过饮食和空气传播的感染。

    Her team will determine risk factors for M.bovis transmission , including infection through diet and the air .

  30. 他们可以通过空气传播,飘在水面上,在土壤中休眠很多个月。

    They could travel through the air , float in water , and lie dormant for many months .