
  • 网络vertical transmission;vertical infection
  1. 从而证实尖锐湿疣孕妇存在沙眼衣原体的感染,并且有垂直感染新生儿问题。

    It is thus proved that chlamydia trachomatis infection is present in pregnant women with genital condyloma and their newborns by vertical transmission in China .

  2. 由于人类免疫缺陷病毒和丙型肝炎病毒有相同的传染途径,在母婴垂直感染中存在着相同因素,也存在着不同因素,共同感染在垂直传播中是常见现象,也产生相互影响。

    Because HIV and HCV have the same infection approaches , the same and different factors influencing their vertical transmission from mother to child exist . Coinfection of the two viruses is a constant phenomena and poses mutual influences .

  3. 探讨沙眼衣原体(Ct)母婴垂直感染问题。

    Objective To investigate the infective rate of chlamydia trachomatis ( Ct ) be - tween mothers and newborns .

  4. 抗-HBs抗体可用来预防肝移植后HBV的再感染和母婴垂直感染,但这有赖于HBsAg与抗-HBs抗体之间的相互作用。

    Hepatitis B immunoglobulin could be used to protect the patient from reinfection after liver transplantation , but this effect rely on the interaction of HBsAg and anti-HBs .

  5. 单个或多个病毒颗粒、病毒包涵体和病毒抗原颗粒仅出现在垂直感染组胎盘Hofbauer细胞胞质空泡和细胞间隙内。

    Single or more viral particles , viral inclution bodies , viral surface antigen particles appeared in cytoplasm cavity of Hofbauer cell or intercellular space in VT and NVT groups .

  6. 牛病毒性腹泻病毒在绵羊垂直感染中的抗原分布

    Distribution of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus ( BVDV ) in Vertical Infectious Sheep

  7. 一类疾病垂直感染的生态-流行病模型的动力学研究

    Dynamics of eco-epidemiological model with the vertical infection

  8. 解脲脲原体垂直感染与新生小鼠肺炎关系的研究

    Study on the relationship between newborn mouse interstitial pneumonia and Ureaplasma urealyticum vertical infection

  9. 解脲脲原体垂直感染对新生小鼠出生体重的影响

    The study on the effects of ureaplasma urealyticum vertical infection on the body weight of newborn mouse

  10. 因为所有这些患者都是出生时母婴垂直传播感染的。

    Because all these patients are infected by the vertical transmission when they were born .

  11. 由于这三者有相似的传播途径,均可经血或血制品、性接触及母婴途径垂直传播而感染,因此HIV感染人群中HCV、HBV的合并感染非常常见。

    As a result of these three have similar routes of transmission including blood or blood products , sexual contact and maternal and child pedestrians and the vertical diameter of the spread of infection , so HIV co-infection with HCV 、 HBV is very common .

  12. 来自受感染亲鱼的垂直传播是鱼苗感染的主要途径。

    Vertical transmission from infected spawners is a major route for larvae and juveniles infection .