
  • 网络Security and development
  1. 2007年,一个英国的安全与发展政策组织Senlis协会建议把用于医药目的的罂粟生产合法化,因为该药物可广泛用于止痛药。

    In2007 , Senlis Council , a UK-based security and development policy organisation , suggested legalising production of poppy for medicinal purposes , as the drug is used extensively as a painkiller .

  2. 安全与发展:二战以来中国&菲律宾关系之研究

    National Security and Development : Studies on China-Philippines Relations Since World War ⅱ

  3. 首届中小企业安全与发展高层论坛在北京举行

    First High-level Forum Held in Beijing on SME Safety and Development

  4. 企业网络安全与发展趋势

    The Security and Perspectives of Enterprise Network

  5. 裁军、安全与发展

    Disarmament , security and development

  6. 我国蓄滞洪区、滩区问题主要表现在土地利用和人口安全与发展两个方面。

    The major problems of flood detention basin of China are land use and human safety and development .

  7. 研究将对国家安全与发展起决定性作用的矿产界定为战略矿产是建立战略储备及保障体制的第一步。

    Defining strategic mineral resource is the first step to establish the strategy mineral resource reserve and security system .

  8. 在中国和平发展进程中,我们将始终面临安全与发展两大主题。

    Under the peaceful circumstance of its development , China faces two important themes all the time-Security and Development .

  9. 传媒安全与发展:一个资本运作视角的分析媒介素养教育理论下的传播艺术和传媒教育

    On the Security and the Development of the Media On Communicating Arts and Media Education from the Media Attainable Viewpoint

  10. 第三项供讨论的广泛议题是如何找出应对地区及全球性安全与发展挑战的互补方法。

    The third broad area for discussion is finding complementary approaches to security and development challenges in the region and across the globe .

  11. 宏观调控法是以维护社会整体利益为宗旨的法,以维护经济和社会的安全与发展为价值追求。

    Macro-control law takes maintaining the social general interests as its stand , takes maintaining the security and development of economy as its value .

  12. 争先进入空间、利用空间和控制空间,已成为世界各军事大国国家安全与发展战略的重要内容。

    The entering , using and controlling of space have become the main aim of national security and developing strategy of the major military countries .

  13. 近几年资本外逃的规模急剧扩大,已严重威胁到中国经济的安全与发展。

    In recent years , capital flight has been increasing in scales in China , seriously threatening the security and growth of the national economy .

  14. 中国西部地区三股势力的恐怖活动对国家和平、安全与发展构成了严重威胁。

    The terrorist act of the three kinds of power in west China has been a serious threat to the peace , safety and development of China .

  15. 这不仅影响我国林业产业发展,森林资源的数量和质量,也影响到我国各类生态系统的安全与发展。

    It not only affects forestry industry development and the quantity and quality of forest resources , but also threatens the security and development of all kinds of ecological systems in China .

  16. 我国家安全与发展由此也相应地面临着尽快摆脱战略困境、有效抵制强势霸权,以及谨慎应对地缘裂变等现实课题。

    Thus China 's national security and development is confronted with such realistic issues as resolving strategic dilemmas as soon as possible , resisting great force hegemony effectively and coping with geo-split cautiously .

  17. 睦邻政策提出后,美国与拉美国家从敌人变成朋友,从联合意识向致力于西半球安全与发展的美洲观念的转变,这两个转变离不开观念的三种权力。

    Since this Policy was raised , America and the Latin Countries became friends rather than enemy , and at same time the union consciousness turned into continental consciousness of hemispherical security and development .

  18. 水资源作为干旱区经济社会发展的限制性资源,其竞争性使用已诱发了各种冲突,严重影响到区域的稳定、安全与发展。

    Water resources as restrictively resources of economic development of the arid area , competitive use of it has caused diversified conflicts and the stabilization , security and development of the region have been serious influenced .

  19. 当今几次地区战争已经证明了美英企图以两国武力相结合建立世界霸权的野心将极大地破坏世界和平、安全与发展。

    Several regional war affairs at present time has proved Anglo & American 's wild ambition , that is , to set up their hegemony by using force jointly , which will greatly destroy the world peace , safety and development .

  20. 国防科技工业作为国家战略性产业,承载着工业化与信息化的多重任务,事关国家安全与发展战略全局,是推进中国特色新型工业化的重要组成部分。

    As a national strategic industry , Defense science , technology and industry bearing multiple tasks of industrialization and information . It relates to national security and the development the overall strategy , it is an important part of the new type industrialization with Chinese characteristics .

  21. 在耕地资源不断减少的情况下,燃料乙醇的发展遇到了与人争粮、与粮争田等方面的质疑,粮食安全与发展生物质能源如何协调受到政府和学界广泛的关注。

    In the case of declining arable land resources , the development of fuel ethanol encounters queries such as competing food with people and competing fields with food . More and more researchers paid more attention to the problem of relationship food security and developing biomass energy .

  22. 论文在矿产资源安全与发展战略研究等方面,通过运用定量分析方法&灰色系统评价模型、向量自回归模型、变权重组合评价等模型分析了短缺金属矿产资源安全与它的影响因素之间的关系。

    In the security and development of mineral resources strategic research in the field , through the use of quantitative analysis method - Grey System Evaluation Model , vector autoregressive model , variable weights model portfolio evaluation model of its mineral resources security and the impact of the factors relations .

  23. 艾滋病的流行严重威胁着人类的安全与经济发展。引起这种疾病的病原体是人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)。

    The AIDS epidemic threatens the maintenance and development of the whole world .

  24. 重庆市农产品质量安全现状与发展对策

    Situation and Development Strategy on Farm Products Quality Safety in Chongqing

  25. 矿山安全与环境发展现状分析

    Analysis on Present Situation of Mine Safety and Environment Development

  26. 核电厂安全文化与发展

    Safety Culture of Nuclear Power Plant and Its Development

  27. 转基因食品的安全性与发展前景分析

    Prospect and Safety Assurance of Genetically Modified Food

  28. 生态安全与可持续发展具有内涵和目标的一致性;

    The connotation and aims of ecological security are consistent to that of sustainable development ;

  29. 经济安全与和平发展&评析日本的安全观与发展观

    Economic Security vs Peaceful Development & An Analysis of Japanese Views on Security and Development

  30. 城市公共安全与可持续发展

    Urban Community Safety and Sustainable Development