
  • 网络responsibility to protect
  1. 这些行动将是在行使“保护责任”(responsibilitytoprotect)原则。

    Such action would be an exercise of the doctrine of the " responsibility to protect " .

  2. 国家保护责任三题

    Three Opinions on State Responsibility to Protect

  3. 中国FDI的国际竞争力与环境保护责任

    China 's FDI International Competitiveness and its Environmental Protection Responsibilities

  4. 体育比赛组织者和场馆经营者对观众的保护责任及例外

    Protective Responsibilities of the Game Organizers and Stadium Operators for Spectators

  5. 整个社会对犯罪未成年人具有不可推卸的保护责任。

    It is necessary for the whole community to protect juvenile delinquents .

  6. 企业环境保护责任,是企业社会责任的一个重要组成部分。

    Corporate environmental responsibility , corporate social responsibility is an important component .

  7. 在海岛保护责任立法上,对海岛责任约束机制和责任保障机制等方面进行完善。

    On island protection responsibility legislation , island responsibility system and responsibility mechanism etc.

  8. 公司的环境保护责任

    The Environmental Protection Duty of the Company

  9. 水资源保护责任研究

    Study on responsibility for water resources protection

  10. 保护责任功能的绩效评估机制的生成与构造

    On the Development and Construction of Performance Evaluation Mechanism about the Function of Responsibility to Protect

  11. 集约经营和清洁生产对环境保护责任的履行起着关键的作用。

    Intensive management and sanitary production have key effects on the performance of environment protection duty .

  12. 这就是2005年在联合国大会上获一致通过的“保护责任”原则。

    This is the " responsibility to protect " principle embraced unanimously by the general assembly in 2005 .

  13. 它还质疑智能手机制造商对经过他们设备的敏感数据的保护责任。

    It also questions the responsibility of smartphone makers to protect the sensitive data that flows through their devices .

  14. 企业环境保护责任,可以通过利益相关者和其他社会成员的环境权利加以确立。

    Corporate environmental responsibility , can be stakeholders and environmental rights of other members of the society be established .

  15. 优秀历史建筑的所有人和使用人,应当按照本条例的规定承担保护责任。

    The owners and users of the excellent historical buildings shall shoulder protection responsibility according to the provisions of these Regulations .

  16. 该法中对政府环境保护责任的原则性规定,已明显不能适应经济社会发展和环境保护的需要。

    The principle stipulation about responsibility of government in environmental protection obviously cannot meet the needs of socioeconomic development and environmental protection .

  17. 通过环境收益与保护责任之比例在代际相等,避免偏爱后代又给后代以出场和生存的机会,以达到代际平等;

    For avoiding the partial inclination to the coming generations , we makes the proportion of environmental income and duty equal among generations .

  18. 同时西方国家在质疑“保护责任”能不能不只是个口号。

    Others , this time in the West , are asking whether responsibility to protect will ever be more than an empty slogan .

  19. 这个问题很难定夺,就连最积极的保护责任原则倡导者,也不能假装它很简单。

    This is a horribly difficult call , and not even the most passionate advocate of the responsibility to protect can pretend otherwise .

  20. 加强环境监管,健全生态环境保护责任追究制度和环境损害赔偿制度。

    We should strengthen environmental monitoring and improve the system of accountability for ecological and environmental protection and the system of compensation for environmental damage .

  21. 但是他和其他“保护责任”支持者已经开始反击,试图修正人们对这一观念的“误解”。

    But he and other proponents of responsibility to protect have started to fight back , seeking to correct " misconceptions " over the concept .

  22. 保护责任倡导者的第二大希望就是:共识在原则上会让国际社会在实际行动上更容易达成一致意见。

    The second great hope of advocates of responsibility to protect was that consensus in principle would make agreement easier on what to do in practice .

  23. 企业环境保护责任与政府社会性规制的嵌入政府规制下企业环境责任缺失的成因、对策分析

    Corporate Environment Protection Responsibility and the Insert of Government Social Regulation ; Analysis on Causes and Countermeasures for Deficient Corporate Environmental Responsibility under the Government Regulations

  24. 第二部分论述了生态保护责任主体的分类和演变过程,包括政府生态责任、其他社会组织的生态保护责任以及个体生态保护责任,并论述了林农在生态保护中主体地位的应然性。

    The second part discourses the evolution process of main body for ecological protection responsibility , including ecological protection responsibility of the government , other social organizations and individual .

  25. 企业强制环境保护责任强调企业权利的先占性,事后对权利主体进行补偿。

    The enterprise forces the environmental protection responsibility to stress that the business rights occupy the nature first , carries on the compensation afterward to the subject of object .

  26. 发展低碳经济,一方面是积极承担环境保护责任,完成国家节能降耗指标的要求;

    The development of low-carbon economy , on the one hand is a positive commitment to environmental responsibility , to complete the requirements of the national energy saving targets ;

  27. 使命致力于太阳能矽晶圆技术,提供洁净、高效率的绿色能源解决方案,善尽环境保护责任。

    Our Mission : Using pioneering wafer technology , we deliver the cleanest & efficient energy solution to promote green energy development , and passionately commit to protect the environment .

  28. 环境的重要影响者&企业,负有向会计信息的使用者提供企业履行环境绩效相关信息和环境保护责任的义务。

    Enterprises is an important source of affecting the environment , which requires enterprises to provide the users of accounting information with environmental responsibility and information related to environmental performance .

  29. 工程施工单位建立了一个在项目经理领导下目标到岗、责任到人的施工现场环境保护责任保证体系,实现施工环境管理的系统化,标准化。

    The construction company has established a responsibility assurance system for job site environmental protection under the leadership of project managers , so that environmental management is systemized and standardized .

  30. 公司的环境保护责任源于公司对社会的影响和公司目的的实现,其主要表现为环境道德责任和环境法律责任。

    The company 's environmental protection duty originates from the influence of the company with realizing its purpose , with the main performance of environment moral duty and environment legal duty .