
bǎo běn
  • break even
保本 [bǎo běn]
  • [break even] 不赚不亏。竞赛或交易中使收益和损失或其他有利性和不利性两抵

  • 该商店期望下个月保本

保本[bǎo běn]
  1. 德沃曼为筹拍《离婚,音乐喜剧》卖掉了他的商业电视及广告咨询生意的一半,现在他希望能够保本甚至赚点钱。

    Now after selling half his infomercial and advertising consulting business to finance " Divorce , the Musical ," Dworman hopes he will break even and maybe even make some money .

  2. 在Windows上,只需确保本地库(例如动态链接库或DDL)位于工作目录中,就可以解决这个问题。

    On Windows , simply making sure the native libraries ( such as dynamic-link libraries , or DLLs ) are in the working directory resolves the issue .

  3. TL公司是生产为铁路提速客车轴承配套的滚动体的专业化企业,该公司的经营状况已由2000年丰厚盈利转变为目前的保本经营。

    TL company is enterprise which professional manufacture the roller of high speed railroad bearing . The income has changed from payoff to no profits since 2000 .

  4. 论DOL与保本点的关系

    On the Relationship Between DOL and Break-even Point

  5. CPPI技术在保本基金中的应用

    The Usage of CPPI in Capital Guaranteed Funds

  6. 从很大程度上说,它避免了本机代码对JVM的直接内存引用,从而确保本机代码只需编写一次,并且可以跨不同的JVM实现或版本运行。

    For the most part , it avoids direct memory reference by native code into the JVM , ensuring that natives can be written once and work across different JVM implementations or versions .

  7. 伦敦奥组委主席是塞巴斯蒂安•科(SebastianCoe),而本次赛事的主席是英式橄榄球联盟(RugbyFootballUnion)的首席执行官伊恩•里奇(IanRitchie)。该联盟是英式橄榄球的管理机构,负责确保本次赛事顺利进行。

    The tournament 's Sebastian Coe equivalent is Ian Ritchie , chief executive of the Rugby Football Union , English rugby 's governing body , in charge of making sure the event runs smoothly .

  8. cerulli称,相对于普通股票型基金,投资者目前更倾向于选择债券基金和保本基金。

    Cerulli says plain-vanilla equities funds are being shunned in favour of bond and guaranteed funds .

  9. cerulli指出,普通股票型基金日益失宠,投资者现在青睐进取型债券基金和保本型基金。

    Cerulli notes plain-vanilla equities funds are falling out of favour , with investors flocking to aggressive bond and guaranteed funds .

  10. 尽管TMCI尽力确保本网站所有信息的正确性和适时性,但并不能保证其为完全准确和最新。

    While TMCI makes all reasonable efforts to insure that all information on this site is correct , accuracy cannot be guaranteed .

  11. 海内外保本基金运作机制分析

    An Analysis of Operating Mechanism of Domestic and Overseas Guaranteed Funds

  12. 第二种第一枪赚第二枪保本或者亏本。

    The second shot or make a second shot guaranteed loss .

  13. 对企业预测保本点方法的探讨

    Inquisition into the Methods of Enterprise Calculate Break - Even Point

  14. 这个价格我们不能保本。

    We can 't cover our production cost at this price .

  15. 主题基金和保本基金已不再受到追捧。

    Themed funds and capital-protected products are out of favour .

  16. 我国对量本利分析法的新发展&商品储存保本保利期管理的介绍

    New Advance of CVP Analysis in China-Introduction to Merchandise Storage Period Management

  17. 发电厂最佳机组组合与保本竞价策略研究

    Research on Optimal Unit Commitment and Cost-bsed Bidding Strategy of Generation Corporations

  18. 关于多品种条件下保本分析中综合保本销售额计算公式的数学推导

    A Mathematical Dedution on Break - even Point in Sales under Multiple Products

  19. 石化产品保本价与价格灵敏度分析

    Petrochemical Product Cost Conservative Price and Price Sensitivity Analysis

  20. 股票挂勾产品、结构性产品和衍生工具不是保本产品。

    Equity linked products , structured products and derivatives are not capital protected .

  21. 这是我们的保本价,他说。

    It was hand to mouth , he says .

  22. 凝析气藏反凝析规律研究应强调保本凝析油含量

    Research on retrograde condensation laws of condensate gas reservoir

  23. 多品种条件下保本点预测分析方法比较

    Comparison and Study of the Prediction Methods of Varied Products ' Break-even Point

  24. 考虑多个因素变动时的保本点敏感性分析

    Sensitivity Analysis of Break-even Point with Several Variables

  25. 这些分行主打的是保本型产品,没有延展到消费者信用领域。

    ABN branches concentrate on capital-protection products and do not extend to consumer credit .

  26. 保本点分析是量本利分析的核心内容。

    The breakeven point analysis is kernel content of the cost volume profit model .

  27. 基于作业的本量利模型及保本分析

    Activity - based CVP Model and BEP Analysis

  28. 保本通常是一个重要的考虑因素。

    Capital preservation is generally an important consideration .

  29. 安全边际是预计销售量(销售额)保本销售量(销售额)差。

    The margin of safety isi the excess of expected sales over breakeven sales .

  30. 范例包括共同基金、单位信讬、保本基金与替代投资。

    Examples are mutual funds , unit trusts , capital guaranteed funds and alternative investments .