
  • 网络support plan;Assurance Program
  1. 应急物资保障计划辅助决策模型研究

    Research About the Model of Assistant Decision in Emergent Material Support Plan

  2. 最后,针对部队军事演习案例,利用所建立的模型对演习中维修备件和人员进行了优化配置,为维修保障部门制定保障计划提供了依据。

    Finally , in view of the army military example , we use the service resources deployment model to carry on the optimized disposition the spare parts and personnel in exercise services , and provide the basis of the support plan for the service Support departments .

  3. 大多数出国游玩的旅游者都受到英国民航局航空旅行组织者(简称ATOL)消费者保障计划的保护。

    Most tourists going overseas are protected by the CAA 's Air Travel Organisers ' Licensing ( ATOL ) bonding scheme .

  4. 根据英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)最近在媒体上的一些言论,我们有理由相信,现行储户保障计划的缺点已越来越得到承认,有关方面甚至可能有意愿采取积极措施对之进行改进。

    Recent comments reported in the media by George Osborne , the UK chancellor , give reason to believe that there is a growing recognition of the shortcomings of current regimes and perhaps even a will to take active measures to improve it .

  5. 集团军战时后勤保障计划微机管理系统

    Microcomputer Managment System of Safeguard plan for Logistics Supplies in War

  6. 国际最低收入保障计划转移效果研究及启示

    Research and Apocalypse on Transfer Effectiveness of International Minimum Income Support Program

  7. 对拟制应急交通保障计划、预案有关问题的探讨

    An Exploration into the Problems Concerning Working Out Emergency Traffic Ensuring Plans

  8. 他打电话给保险经纪人,然后选择一个保障计划。

    He called an insurance broker , and chose a protection plan .

  9. 装备保障计划自动生成系统总体设计

    Material equipment guarantees automatically born system in program population design

  10. 聘用制度上保险公司可以实施一些特别的激励保障计划。

    Recruitment system on insurance company can implement some special incentive security plan .

  11. 对社会安全网及其他社会保障计划的支持总额达45亿美元。

    Support for safety nets and other social protection programs totaled $ 4.5 billion .

  12. 一个物资供应计划决策支持系统应急物资保障计划辅助决策模型

    A DSS for Material Supply Planning Aided Decision Model of Supporting Plan for Emergency Material

  13. 向实验室提供外部质量保障计划和基准监测服务与器材;

    Providing an external quality assurance programme and reference testing service and supplies to laboratories ;

  14. 这些子公司还将承担当地的存款保障计划费用。

    Those subsidiaries would also contribute towards the costs of the local deposit protection scheme .

  15. 根据您的情况,您可能需要家庭保障计划。

    According to your situation , you may be looking at a family protection plan .

  16. 为各公司策划、安排和管理医疗保障计划。

    Plan , arrange and manage different types of medical benefit schemes for various companies .

  17. 我的医疗保障计划就是这样

    Which my health care plan supports .

  18. 公共租赁房是当前我国提出的一项针对中低收入者的住房保障计划。

    Public rental housing is a protection scheme putting forward for the low-income currently in China .

  19. 他最终同意仅仅覆盖60%的工人的社会保障计划。

    he eventually agreed to a Social Security plan that covered only 60 percent of workers .

  20. 强制性私营退休保障计划

    Mandatory privately-run retirement protection scheme

  21. 如何以及何时削减基本社会保障计划的问题,又重新被摆到了台面上。

    How and when basic programmes of social protection will be cut is back on the table .

  22. 由政府组织实施的社会保障计划是实现社会公正的重要手段。

    The social security planning been organized to implement by - government is the means to realize social equity .

  23. 2002年,500万人需要资助,但不在社会保障计划内,这个数字比1997年增加了12倍。

    In 2002 , 5 million people needed aid , but were not on social security-a 12-fold increase from 1997 .

  24. 罗斯福的社会保障计划被称为“社会主义的”,是“对工人的欺骗”。

    FDR 's plan for Social Security was called " socialist , " a " fraud on the workingman . "

  25. 网络课程的学生不享有100%通过保障计划;即:如果学生没通过考试,则不享有退款及免费重听的权力。

    No100 % pass guarantee for online students ; no refund or free study next semester if they fail to pass .

  26. 苏黎世保险为美国运通家居保障计划之承保人,全面负责一切保障及赔偿事宜。

    Zurich Insurance Company is the underwriter of American Express home insurance plan and is solely responsible for all coverage and compensation .

  27. 这句话的意思是:我们最神圣不可侵犯的项目之一就是为美国老年人提供退休金的全国社会保障计划。

    1 : One of our biggest sacred cows is the national social security program which pays many older Americans a pension .

  28. “社会保障计划”是1935年确立的,当时富兰克林d罗斯福总统签署了一项法律,也就是现在的“社会保障法”。

    The social security program was created in1935 when President Franklin D.Roosevelt signed what is now known as the social security act .

  29. 腐败还渗透到驾照发放、房产登记、参与就业保障计划和发薪水等各个生活领域。

    Corruption also marks the issuance of driving licences , property registration , enrolment in the employment guarantee scheme and payment of wages .

  30. 银行挤兑很少出现,因为大多数国家都拥有存款保障计划,由政府提供担保,承兑所有银行账户一定限额的存款。

    Bank runs are rare because most countries have deposit guarantee schemes whereby the government insures all bank accounts up to a certain value .