
  • 网络protective development;protective exploitation
  1. 生态旅游区资源评价与保护性开发

    Evaluation of Tourism Resources and Protective Exploitation in Ecotourism Area

  2. 抚州市生态旅游资源的保护性开发

    The Protective Exploitation of Ecotourism Resources of Fuzhou City

  3. 略论江西生态旅游资源的保护性开发

    Superficial Discussion on the Protective Development of Ecotourism Resource in Jiangxi

  4. 徐闻珊瑚礁的现状与保护性开发

    Ecological Function and Protecting Development in Coral Reef of Xuwen County

  5. 黄土高原经济植物资源的保护性开发对策

    Economic Plant Resources and Its Sheltered Utilization in Loess Plateau

  6. 创建园林城市加强古城保护性开发与管理

    Create Garden City , Strengthen Protection Development and Management of Ancient City

  7. 旅游保护性开发区划的实施途径与案例研究

    A Case Study on the Methodology for Protective Development of Tourism Regionalization

  8. 民族生态旅游:保护性开发民族旅游的有效模式

    Ethnic eco-tourism : an effective model for protective development of Ethnic Tourism

  9. 第三章,永寿县古城镇的保护性开发与再利用。

    Chapter ⅲ, Protective development and utilization on Yongshou ancient-Town .

  10. 关于保护性开发西部少数民族传统文化的思考

    Protective Development of Traditional Ethnic Minority Culture in West China : Some Reflections

  11. 城市历史性建筑保护性开发项目的建设程序初探

    Some Suggestions about Construction Procedures in Protective Development Projects of Urban Historical Buildings

  12. 论三门峡天鹅湖国家级湿地公园生态旅游保护性开发

    Analysis on the Protective Exploitation of Eco-tourism in Sanmenxia Swan Lake National Wetland Park

  13. 生态旅游保护性开发新思路

    New thinking for the protective exploitation of Ecotourism

  14. 论民族文化旅游资源保护性开发的原则与模式

    On the Principles and Models of the Protective Development of National Cultural Tourism Resources

  15. 壶口瀑布地质遗迹资源及其保护性开发策略

    The resources of geological remains in Hukou waterfall and the tactics of protective development

  16. 论旅游资源的保护性开发

    On the Protective Development of the Tourist Resources

  17. 在诠释区域保护性开发含义的基础上,确立研究区保护内容。

    On the basis of regional development , the development measures have been established .

  18. 传统城市文化的共融与再生&天津老城厢地区建筑文化遗产的保护性开发与利用

    Symbiosis and Rebirth of Traditional Urban Culture

  19. 长株潭城市群绿心保护性开发策略研究

    The protective development strategies of green heart in the urban agglomeration in Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration

  20. 传统历史街区的保护性开发与利用&以济南商埠区保护为例

    Protection-oriented development of historical commerce region : a case study of commerce region in Jinan

  21. 以此为基础针对华山植物景观特色提出风景植物的保护性开发利用措施;

    Measures of exploitation of the vegetation landscape are advanced on the basis of these conditions .

  22. 本文就黔灵山公园地质遗迹的基本特征及其保护性开发进行综合分析及研究。

    This paper gives a full analysis on the main geological heritages and their protective development .

  23. 川渝地区几处典型岩溶地质遗迹的特点及保护性开发刍议

    Characteristics and Preliminary Discussion on Protection and Exploitation of Several Tipical Karst Geological Remnants in Sichuan and Chongqing

  24. 有关专家提出保护性开发的对策,但如何进行还未有定论。

    Someone puts forward the countermeasure of protective development , but how to do still haven 't the final conclusion .

  25. 本文还以丝绸之路为例,对廊道遗产旅游资源保护性开发进行具体分析。

    This paper takes the Silk Road as an example to analyze the protective development of corridor heritage tourism resources .

  26. 旅游业的发展促进了经济的增长,这与旅游资源的保护性开发紧密相关。

    The development of tourism industry promotes economic growth , which relates closely to the protective exploitation of tourist resources .

  27. 所以对民族文化旅游资源的保护性开发的理论研究至关重要,它对民族文化旅游资源的开发实践具有指导意义。

    So it is important to research the theory on exploitation and protection of the national culture resources for the minority district .

  28. 在高端维护中要做到文化旅游资源的保护性开发,实现崂山文化旅游的可持续发展。

    Make the cultural tourism resources in the high-end maintenance the protection development , realizes the Mt. Lao cultural traveling sustainable development .

  29. 近年来,商业性旅游开发几乎已经成为传统聚落保护性开发的惟一模式。

    At recent years , commercial exploitation for tour has almost become the only model for the protective exploitation of traditional residential area .

  30. 提出了基于场所精神的历史风貌建筑保护性开发策略和实施路径。

    State out the paths and strategies on development of the protection of historic building tourism resources based on the spirit of place .