
  1. 安徒生童话:卖火柴的小女孩TheLittleMatch-Girl1天气非常非常冷,雪下得很大,夜幕已降临。这是旧年最后的一夜——除夕之夜。

    It was dreadfully cold , it was snowing fast , and almost dark ; the evening ---- the last evening of the old year was drawing in .

  2. 《安徒生童话》中的少女故事

    The Stories of Little Girls in Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales

  3. 两个安徒生童话故事和中国有关。

    Two of Andersen 's fairy tales are related to China .

  4. 拓展安徒生童话研究的成人空间

    Develop the Adult Space in Andersens ' Fairy Tales Research

  5. 谈安徒生童话创作的两个特色

    On Two Characteristics about Creation of Anderson 's Fairy Tales

  6. 作为丹麦人,我自然知道安徒生童话。

    As a Dane , I naturally know Hans Christian Andersen 's tales .

  7. 安徒生童话的阅读心态研究

    On the Reading Attitude to Andersen 's Fairy Tales

  8. 在这一点上,安徒生童话给了我们最好的范本。

    At this point , Hans Christian Andersen gives us the best template .

  9. 安徒生童话三大翻译家

    Three Major Translators of the Fairy Tales by Andersen

  10. 安徒生童话的民族特征

    Elementary research on the national characteristics of the children 's stories written by Andersen

  11. 看了安徒生童话的卖火柴的小女孩后,我不禁落泪了。

    See the Anderson fairy tale of the little match girl , my tears .

  12. 安徒生童话是中国现代儿童文学之源。

    Andersen 's Fairy Tales is the source of Chinese contemporary children 's literature .

  13. 《安徒生童话》是世界文学名著。

    Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales has been a well-known literature in the world .

  14. 浅析安徒生童话中的悲剧情结海明威悲剧情结溯源

    Trace to Ernest Hemingway 's Tragedy Complex

  15. 安徒生童话的悲剧美

    Tragic Beauty of Anderson 's Fairy Tales

  16. 安徒生童话在中国

    Andersen 's Fairy Tales in China

  17. 安徒生童话对中国儿童文学产生了至为深远的影响。

    Andersen 's Fairy Tales have a great influence on the children 's literature of China .

  18. 自我认同的困境展现了安徒生童话精神世界一种潜藏的焦虑。

    Such a dilemma reveals an underlying nervousness in the spiritual world of Andersen 's fairy tales .

  19. 意识形态对安徒生童话译介的操纵&以《卖火柴的女孩》中文译本为例

    Chinese Reading of " The Match Girl " and Ideologically Manipulated Translation of Anderson 's Fairy Tales

  20. 中国儿童文学追慕安徒生童话,并使自身的创作获得现代品质。

    The Chinese children literature traces back to Andersen fairy tales and makes it sown writing obtain modern quality .

  21. 视角越界与童话翻译&以安徒生童话中英译本为例

    Transgression of Narrative Angles and Translation of Fairytales : On the Chinese and English Versions of Andersen 's Fairytales

  22. 人们对安徒生童话的接受是与当代儿童文学的自身反省联系在一起的。

    People 's acceptance of Andersen 's fairy-tales is connected with the introspection of the contemporary Chinese children literature .

  23. 对安徒生童话的经典品格的追寻与叩问,成为新时期以来对安徒生童话的接受的一个总的趋势。

    Pursuit and inquiry of the classical quality in Andersen 's fairy-tales have been drowing people 's attention since the new stage .

  24. 本文试图以安徒生童话中的自我认同作为入口,从哲学与心理学等层面,去重新解读安徒生的童话世界。

    This paper tries to take self-identity as an entry perspective and thus reinterpret Andersen 's fairy tales from philosophical and psychological standpoints .

  25. “小美人鱼”铜像是丹麦雕塑家爱德华•埃里克森根据安徒生童话《海的女儿》中女主人公的形象用青铜浇铸的,“小美人鱼”这个名字也由此而来。

    The bronze statue was created by Danish sculptor Edvard Eriksen according to Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen 's fairytale that bears the name .

  26. 安徒生童话的意旨已经进入到个性与人道的终极价值及其相互冲突的深刻层面,恰合新文化运动的启蒙需求;

    The values of personality and humanity expressed in his fairy tales exactly met the needs of the new cultural movement at that time .

  27. 安徒生童话在中国的意义生成受制于20世纪中国的历史文化语境。

    The meaning formation of Andersen 's fairytales in China is closely related with China 's historical and cultural context in the 19th century .

  28. 来自欧洲诸国的安徒生童话研究新资讯,为重新解读安徒生的四篇代表作打开了新的视野,提供了新的可能。

    The latest research made in Europe on Hans Christian Andersen provides new perspectives and possibilities for reinterpreting the four masterpieces of the great writer .

  29. 安徒生童话被作为文学经典从多方面为中国当代儿童文学的建构提供了一个思考的平台和参照的背景。

    As literary classics , Andersen 's fairy-tales provide a thinking terrace and a reference background for the construction of the contemporary Chinese children literature .

  30. 安徒生童话被介绍进入中国并为中国儿童文学界所称誉、所推崇,有着特定的历史渊源。

    Andersen 's Fairy Tales being introduced to China and appreciated by the children 's literature of China has its particular historical and cultural origin .