
  • 网络Abe cabinet
  1. 日本安倍内阁上台以后,公然颠倒黑白、混淆视听,美化对外侵略和殖民历史。

    Since the Abe cabinet came into power in Japan , it has openly confused right and wrong to mislead the public , in an attempt to whitewash the history of external aggression and colonialism .

  2. 分析人士表示,安倍内阁反映出一种独立的特质,尽管尚不及前任首相小泉纯一郎(JunichiroKoizumi)那样强烈。小泉酷爱无视党内协议,起用外部人士。安倍昨日在议会宣誓就职。

    Analysts said the cabinet of Mr Abe , who was sworn in by parliament yesterday , reflected an independent streak , though not as much as his predecessor Junichiro Koizumi , who revelled in ignoring party protocol and bringing in outsiders .

  3. 安倍内阁中的两名女性中的一位和我面临同样的个人挑战。

    One of the only two women in Abe 's cabinet shares with me her personal challenges .

  4. 从安倍内阁的教育理念与国体思想来看,安倍构想的“美丽国家”具有复古的味道。

    The idea of education and state system shows that Abei s scheme has an air of returning to the ancients .

  5. 改组后的安倍内阁将于27日晚在日本皇宫经过认证仪式后正式投入运转。

    The new cabinet will hold a " attestation ceremony " at Japan Palace on 27th night , and then put into operation .

  6. 自小泉辞职以来,安倍内阁不到一年便迅速倒台,福田内阁也没撑过一年。

    Since springlet resigns , install times cabinet to be less than one year rapid downfall , blessing cropland cabinet also had not maintained a year .

  7. 在日本与中国存在领土争端之际,为了加强国家安全,安倍内阁于上周批准了2016-17年度防务预算,预算额达5.1万亿日元(合420亿美元),创下了纪录,同比增幅为1.5%。

    Last week , Mr Abe 's cabinet approved a record defence budget of Y5.1tn ( $ 42bn ) - an increase of 1.5 per cent year-on-year - for 2016-2017 to bolster security amid a territorial dispute with China .

  8. 自去年12月安倍新内阁成立后,山口那津男是第一位访华的执政党成员。

    He became the first member of a ruling party to visit China since Abe unveiled his new cabinet in late December .

  9. 安倍为其内阁任命了11名新人,标志着日本政坛的更新换代。

    Mr Abe named 11 freshmen to his cabinet , signalling a generational shift .