
  • compensation;indemnity;compensation payment;compensation fund
  1. 他得到一年的工资作为失业补偿金。

    He received one year 's salary as compensation for loss of office

  2. 应该给受到需求锐减影响的英国农民提供补偿金。

    There should be compensation for British farmers hit by the slump in demand

  3. 政府因为丢失照片而付给这家人一笔补偿金。

    The government paid the family an indemnity for the missing pictures .

  4. 这笔补偿金能向矿工或遇难矿工的家属每人赔偿100,000美元。

    The compensation bill offers the miners or their survivors as much as $ 100,000 apiece .

  5. 辩护律师仍然没有认可受害者家属补偿金支付的相关条款。

    Defence lawyers have still not agreed to terms for payment of blood money to the victims ' families .

  6. 工会正在为上星期被解雇的两名工人争取补偿金。

    The union is seeking compensation for two factory workers who were dismissed last week .

  7. P2P下的著作权制度之整合&施行非营利性使用著作权补偿金制度

    Adjustment of Copyright System Under P2P the Implement of Noncommercial Use Levy for Copyright System

  8. 数百间贩售CD、DVD的商店主动歇业,塔利班则发给他们补偿金。

    Hundreds of CD and DVD shops closed voluntarily and their owners were paid compensation by the Taliban .

  9. Gregory:这点我也想到了。我们将给决定辞职的员工一笔相当公道的补偿金。

    Gregory : I know , and we have a very fair compensation package for those who decide to quit .

  10. 当然这也许会高于某些国家,政府也分配了GDP的1%作为其军事力量的补偿金。

    While this may be higher than certain countries , this is compensated with the funds being allotted by the government to its military forces , which is only 1 % of its total GDP .

  11. Fed即将为以后的高管薪酬做出限制,例如缩减所谓的“金色降落伞”(goldenparachute,即高管离职补偿金),限制薪酬超过50万美元的雇员的所得税减税等。

    It 's imposing some restrictions on how they pay top executives in the future , such as curtailing new'golden parachutes'and barring a tax deduction for any one person 's pay above $ 500,000 .

  12. 也许此次消息发布中最有趣的部分是一则爆料,该爆料显示这起盗窃案被曝光是在ECB收到一封匿名电子邮件之后,发信者要求该行为这些数据支付一笔补偿金。

    Perhaps the most intriguing part of the release is the revelation that the theft came to light after the ECB received an anonymous email from someone seeking financial compensation for the data .

  13. PLR与出借权、出租权、公开表演权、版权补偿金等相近权利既有共同点,又有差异。

    There are commons and differences between PLR and other similar rights such as lending right , rental right , public performance right , copyright levy .

  14. 经济补偿金的计算标准是什么?

    What is the computational standard of economic compensation gold ?

  15. 国有企业有偿解除劳动关系的经济补偿金问题

    On economic compensation funds of state-owned enterprises for termination of working relations

  16. 休易说我的学费是从我爸的补偿金里出的。

    Huey said it was covered under my father 's death benefits .

  17. 经济补偿金计算、支付全攻略发债与发股间的平衡

    Guides of Calculating and Issuing Compensation Balance Between Issuing Bonds and Stocks

  18. 对改进劳动合同补偿金支付办法的思考

    Reflections on the Improvement of the Method of Compensation Payment

  19. 如果你死了或是断了一条腿,他们不会支付补偿金。

    If you die or lose a leg , they pay no compensation .

  20. 土地补偿金国家是有政策的,并且说的很明白。

    In countries where the land compensation policy , and said quite understand .

  21. 版权补偿金制度在解决数字图书馆版权问题中的价值与思考

    Seeking for New Way to Solve Digital Library Copyright Problem from Copyright Levy

  22. 他必须支付补偿金后进行生产。

    He has to pay a compensation to produce .

  23. 答:经济补偿金以职工工资为计算标准。

    Answer : economy compensates gold to be computational standard with worker pay .

  24. 规范补偿金发放程序,减少补偿金层层盘剥的现象。

    Specification of compensation payment procedures , reducing layers of exploit compensation phenomenon .

  25. 补偿金一般是损失工资的三分之二。

    The benefits are generally designed to replace two-thirds of the lost wages .

  26. 经济补偿金应该按什么标准支付?

    What standard will be adopted for the economic compensation as a consequence ?

  27. 审计风险补偿金理论分析

    Analyze the Theory of Auditing Risk Compensation Fund

  28. 给你补偿金了么?

    Mother : Did you get any severance ?

  29. 经济补偿金·无固定期限劳动合同的法律问题

    Legal Issues concerning Compensation and the Unfixed - term Labor Contract : A Discussion

  30. 图书馆建立数字版权补偿金制度问题研究

    On the Digital Copyright Compensation System of Library