
  • 网络supply line;pipeline
  1. 这次轰炸看起来意在切断德国和占领法国的德军部队之间的补给线。

    The bombing campaign appears aimed at cutting the supply lines between Germany and its army in occupied France .

  2. 伟大的锁链是为了阻止Hudson河的河上运输从而断掉英国的补给线。

    The purpose of the Great Chain was to obstruct navigation on the Hudson River thereby cutting the British supply lines .

  3. 他只不过是想把部队收拢到补给线附近。

    He intended to consolidate his forces closer to his supply lines .

  4. 补给线被切断,村民被洗劫一空,庄稼被付之一炬

    Supply lines are cut.Villages are sacked and crops torched .

  5. 这次进攻意在截断敌军的补给线。

    The attack was designed to block enemy supply lines .

  6. 他们试图阻断游击队的补给线。

    They tried to stop supplies reaching the guerrillas .

  7. 严密的封锁切断了拿破仑的补给线。

    A tight blockade cut Napoleon 's supply lines .

  8. 我们应当加强防卫,避免后勤补给线遭到破坏。

    We should strengthen our defense to protect the safety of the supply line .

  9. 2.空袭指挥官决定空袭敌人的补给线。

    The commander decide to make an airstrike on the enemy 's supply line .

  10. 该联合国机构表示随着战事和安全问题恶化补给线已经被封锁。

    The U.N. agency says supply routes are blocked as fighting and insecurity worsen .

  11. 我们切断了敌人的补给线。

    We cut supply lines of the enemies .

  12. 斯克莱尔获准撤回他的出发阵地以便更好地保护主要补给线。

    Schrier received permission to fall back to his jump-off position so as to better protect the MSR .

  13. 他拖长了自己的补给线并分兵多处应对敌军。

    He overstretched his lines of supply and then divided his forces in the face of the enemy .

  14. 德国向苏联内陆的急速行军不停的将他们的补给线拉长。

    The rapid advance of German forces into the Russian interior continued stretched the lines of communication and supply .

  15. 一个营沿着主要补给线前进,后面跟着团部的车队和陆军的暂编营。

    One was to advance along the MSR , to be followed by the regimental train and the reserve battalion .

  16. 他们快速包围大规模的敌军,切断他们的补给线,使敌军瓦解和失去斗志。

    They rapidly encircled massive enemy forces , cut supply lines , and made other large units collapse and lose their morale .

  17. 同盟国在马尔他的部队切断了他的补给线,他开始缺少食物,弹药和油料。

    Allied forces on Malta had cut his supply lines , and he was running out of food , ammunition and fuel .

  18. 但是这条补给线相当脆弱,如果俄乌之间爆发战争,轻易就能被破坏。

    But the supply lines into Crimea are fragile and easily threatened if fighting were to break out between Russian and Ukrainian forces .

  19. 任职上尉时,他所领导的一系列针对敌方补给线的成功突袭引起了华盛顿的注意。

    During his time as a captain he caught the eye of Washington while leading a series of successful raids on enemy supply trains .

  20. 大多数的战斗都出现在主要补给线两侧的高地上,但偶而也会有一些中国士兵突击到公路上。

    Most of the fighting was on the high ground on both sides of the MSR , but occasionally the Chinese reached the road .

  21. 日军的目标是夺取中国东部地区的盟军机场,并打通北起朝鲜的釜山,南达法属印度支那西贡的大陆交通补给线。

    The Japanese intended to capture Allied airfields in east China and to open an overland supply route stretching from Pusan , Korea , to Saigon , French Indochina .

  22. 从美国、英国贯通到欧洲大陆之补给线牢固安全,补给线上,发往前方之人员、物资满坑满谷。

    The supply lines running from the United States and Great Britain to the Continent were secure and stuffed with men and mat é riel being sent to the front .

  23. 苏丹南部的政府说它在2005年协定之后切断了喀土穆到圣主抵抗军的补给线,所以乌干达叛军向南迁移到达尔富尔喀土穆控制的领地以再次获得补给。

    South Sudan 's government says it cut off Khartoum 's supply lines to the LRA after the2005 accord so the Ugandan rebels moved north to Khartoum-controlled territory in Darfur to get resupplied .

  24. 或者遇到自然灾害时,它能帮你争取一些时间,直到你可以前往避难地,或者熬到补给线修好。

    ( Or in the event of a natural disaster , it will buy you some time until you are able to make your way to an evacuation shelter or utility lines are restored ) .

  25. 正如一项名为“个性与领导补给线”的研究所说:“把细节问题交给下属,领导者应该关注更多整体性的、全面性的问题。”

    As the study , which was titled " personality and the leadership pipeline , " puts it , " leaving the details to direct reports , leaders focus on more integrative and holistic issues . "

  26. 英国官员从中国组织了94000名劳工经由北美前往西线,作为一支负责挖掘战壕和维护补给线的辅助部队的一部分。

    From China , British officials organised the transport of 94000 labourers to the Western Front , via North America , as part of an auxiliary corps in charge of digging trenches and maintaining supply lines .

  27. 他不仅将己方补给运输线的作用发挥到极致,更是将南方补给线逐个摧毁把铁轨都拆下来弄弯

    While he uses his own supply lines to maximum effect , he destroys those of the South , ripping up their railroad and bending it beyond use .