
zhuānɡ jiǎ bù duì
  • armored force;armored troops;armour
  1. 第二天,巴顿的第三集团军的一支装甲部队从南面突破过来解了围。

    The next day an armored force of Patton 's Third Army broke through from the south and relieved the town .

  2. 在信息化战争中,对数字化装甲部队指挥信息对抗能力的评估是复杂而重要的问题,采用何种评估方法是值得研究的。

    In the information war , it is complex and important to appraise command information resistance ability of the digitization armored force .

  3. 前线的防务得到后备装甲部队的支援。

    These front-line defences are backed up by armoured units in reserve .

  4. 装甲部队在索尔兹伯里平原进行演习。

    The Cavalry were exercising on Salisbury Plain .

  5. 基于HLA的层次联邦在装甲部队仿真模型体系中的应用

    Application of Hierarchical Federations Architecture in Building Armor Simulation System Based on HLA

  6. 标化后的PU患病率12·78%,其中军龄1年、南方籍、装甲部队军人PU患病率高。

    The prevalence of PU was 12.78 % . Higher incidence of PU was found among the soldiers who enlisted for less than 1 year , or were from south China , or served in armored troops .

  7. 1929年,随着苏联红军总参谋部对于装甲部队作战能力的要求不断提高,T-18在各方面的性能都显露出明显的不足。

    In1929 , the performance of the T-18 was already inadequate according to the increasingly demanding RKKA General Staff .

  8. 你可以感觉到接近中的装甲部队的声音吗,将军?

    Can you feel the sound of approching armor , general ?

  9. 目前我打算用整个装甲部队和半个步兵团。

    Right now , the entire APU corps and half the infantry .

  10. 二战德军装甲部队的军装,没有镶边。

    For unmounted units , the WWII German Panzer two piece uniform .

  11. 渡海登陆作战两栖装甲部队综合保障能力评估

    Evaluation of Integrating Support Abilities on Amphibious Armored Forces in Landing Operation

  12. 我装甲部队向敌军的右翼逼进。

    Our armoured troops bore down on the enemy 's right flank .

  13. 目的研究装甲部队进攻性演习疾病发生规律。

    Objective Study on the disease of armoured force during attacking manoeuvres .

  14. 前来增援的装甲部队受到空袭的牵制。

    Armour coming up in support was tied down by air strikes .

  15. 装甲部队部署装甲车辆的战斗部队,如坦克。

    The combat arm that deploys armored vehicles , such as tanks .

  16. 装备机动车辆的现代陆军的一个装甲部队。

    An armored unit of a modern army equipped with motor vehicles .

  17. 西北高寒区某装甲部队腰痛流行病学调查

    Epidemiological study of low back pain in an armored army in northwestern Cold Highland

  18. 梵固克说德军装甲部队。

    Van kooijk says the Germans are concentrating .

  19. 复杂电磁环境下装甲部队通信干扰与抗干扰探析

    Analysis of Wireless Communication Interference and Anti-interference of Armored Forces in Complex Electromagnetic Environments

  20. 他们发现装甲部队开进山谷。

    They spotted armour moving up the valley .

  21. 我的装甲部队将会打垮你可怜的军队。

    My armor will crush your pathetic forces .

  22. 兵力过于悬殊,受到大批装甲部队的围攻,我们几乎被包围了。

    We were hopelessly outnumbered , beset by masses of armour , and almost surrounded .

  23. 步兵在布雷区开辟了一条道路,使装甲部队得以通过。

    The infantry opened up a corridor across the mine-field for the armor to pass through .

  24. 上个世纪70年代,苏联拥有超过我们两倍多的装甲部队(坦克)。

    During the1970 's the USSR had more than double our armored forces ( tanks ) .

  25. 芬恩,我需要支援,不过别联络装甲部队,会把行动搞砸的。

    Finn , I need backup , but don 't call the cavalry , it could blow the operation .

  26. 两次世界大战之间英法德三国装甲部队建设思想与实践之比较(二)

    Comparison of the Theory and Practice of the Armored Troops ' Building in Britain , France and Germany between WWI and WWII (ⅱ)

  27. 评估数字化坦克营的作战能力对推动数字化装甲部队建设、提高部队战斗力具有一定的现实意义。

    The assessment of its combat capacity has practical significance to impelling the construction of the armored force and improving the battle effectiveness .

  28. 大多数船舶的空间占用额外的弹药,装甲部队,武器,引擎,反应质量,设备。

    Most of the ship 's spaces are taken up by extra ammo , armor , troops , weapons , engine , reaction mass , equipment .

  29. 而日军没有全面崩溃的原因在于当地恶劣的地形条件使得苏军装甲部队没法很好的组织追击。

    The Japanese , however , were able to avoid complete routing due to rough terrain , which prevented Soviet tanks from engaging in a pursuit .

  30. 在南斯拉夫,克林根贝格分队的任务是在主力装甲部队之前查明敌军动向,在地图上标明道路和障碍物。

    Klingenberg 's next mission in Yugoslavia was to reconnoiter ahead of the main armored unit , scouting for enemy activity and marking roads or obstacles on maps .