
zhēng bà
  • contend for hegemony;seek hegemony;strive for hegemony;scramble for supremacy
争霸 [zhēng bà]
  • (1) [contend for hegemony]∶争夺霸权

  • (2) [scramble for supremacy]∶争夺霸主

争霸[zhēng bà]
  1. 但是,美国积极推动欧洲一体化归根到底是出于自身利益的需要,是为了更有效地保障美国在大西洋联盟中的领导地位和更有效地与苏联争霸。

    However , The policy on actively supporting the European integration was rooted in America 's own interest , which was to effectively ensure its leadership in the Atlantic Community and contend for hegemony with Soviet Union .

  2. 请分享我们的星际争霸II测试论坛张贴您的意见。

    Please share your feedback by posting on our StarCraft II Beta Forums .

  3. 这将成为。魔兽争霸III中的一个图标吗?

    Q : Will there be a chat icon for Warcraft III ?

  4. 这仅是一个我们在《星际争霸II》中创建环境的范例。

    This is just one example of the types of environments we want to create for Starcraft II .

  5. 和我们以前的游戏一样,我们将会在将来的很多年对《星际争霸II》提供支持。

    As with all of our previous games , we will support StarCraft II for many years to come .

  6. Chris解释到,在星际争霸II的开发过程中,他们一直秉承四项基本原则。

    Chris explained that four basic principles have been taken into account during the development of StarCraft II .

  7. 其实,成为一个3D设计师最简单的方法就是去玩一个带有地图编辑器的3D游戏,比如魔兽争霸三。

    The best way to be considered for a3D level design position is to play a3D game that has a map editor , such as Warcraft III.

  8. 在您的游戏列表,点击“管理游戏”星际争霸II测试下的图像按钮,下载安装程序。

    In your list of games , click the " Manage Game " button under the StarCraft II beta image to download the installer .

  9. 画面拉来回到虫族基地,脊椎爬行者正自我重整和重新定位,这是星际争霸II中虫族的新防御特色之一。

    Back at the zerg base , the spine crawler picks up and repositions itself , a new feature to zerg defenses in StarCraft II .

  10. 一个给魔兽争霸III使用的实时聊天界面,内建样式以符合魔兽争霸III或你喜好的外观。

    A real-time chat interface for Warcraft III using built-in stylesheets to match the Warcraft III-look or another look to your liking .

  11. 对新Android设备的感兴趣度迅速飙升12个百分点,达到74%,显然预示着一场正在酝酿的平板争霸。

    Interest in these new devices shot up12 points to74 % , clearly indicating a tablet showdown in the making .

  12. 对于原作一无所知的玩家在进行《星际争霸II》的战役剧情时是否会因此遇到一些剧情理解上的困难?

    Not all potential players of StarCraft II have played the original StarCraft before , thus they might encounter problems with the understanding of the story .

  13. 安装星际争霸II测试-一旦你下载了安装程序,运行它,并按照指示安装到您机器上的测试版客户端。

    Install the StarCraft II Beta-Once you 've downloaded the installer , run it and follow the directions to install the beta client on your machine .

  14. 星际争霸较其他RTS游戏有着最好的宏机制。

    StarCraft has the best macro style of any RTS ever made .

  15. 魔兽争霸III:冰封王座兽人战役续章&第二章和第三章发布,提姆·坎贝尔详细介绍了它们的内容以及与魔兽世界的联系。

    Now that acts II & III have been released , Tim Campbell spills the beans on them and their World of Warcraft connection .

  16. 高中时我还是一个有世界排名的《星际争霸》(StarCraft)玩家。

    In high school , I was a world-ranked StarCraft player .

  17. 《星际争霸II:自由之翼》正在庆祝他的1个月纪念日,并且我们会非常高兴的发现这是一个令人吃惊的,大家一起游戏的社区。

    StarCraft II : Wings of Liberty is celebrating its one-month anniversary and we 're extremely excited to witness the amazing community that 's come together around the game .

  18. 比如《挖矿争霸》(Minecraft),这款一鸣惊人的积木游戏已经被全球玩家装在自己的PC和iPad中。

    Take for example minecraft , the blockbuster block-building game that has been loaded up on PCs and iPads across the globe .

  19. 星际争霸2的地图编辑器将允许用户创建各种地图和MOD,并将限制降到最小。

    The StarCraft II editor will allow users to create various maps and mods for the game with very few restrictions .

  20. 伯克利学生柯南·刘(ConanLiu)在校队赢得了Azubu组织的锦标赛冠军后,为了能专门进行《星际争霸II》竞技而休了一年学。

    Conan Liu , a student at Berkeley , took a year off from school to play StarCraft II professionally after his school team won the Azubu championship .

  21. 去年夏天,双方业已宣布联手合作暴雪娱乐旗下《魔兽争霸III》、《星际争霸II》和战网游戏平台。

    Both companies announced a partnership on Blizzard Entertainment 's Warcraft ( R ) III , StarCraft ( R ) II , and Battle . net ( R ) gaming platform last summer .

  22. 作为全球首个进行直播的常规性星际争霸II联赛,韩国GSL联赛吸引了来自全球各地的星际争霸II职业选手来到韩国首尔参加比赛。

    As a first routine Starcraft II league all over the world , GSL attracted large amount of professional SCII players to go to Seoul for the match .

  23. 这是定义游戏特质的东西,也是在我看来与其他RTS游戏相比较而言星际争霸最为突出的特点了。

    It is something that defines the genre and is one thing I think StarCraft nailed when compared to other RTS .

  24. 红牛(RedBull)过去三年一直在积极拥抱电子竞技,一开始它把重点放在暴雪公司(BlizzardEntertainment)的《星际争霸2》上,后来又加入了《Dota2》。

    Red Bull has embraced eSports over the past three years , focusing first on Blizzard Entertainment 's StarCraft 2 and adding Dota 2 to the mix .

  25. 去年,游戏媒体公司Azubu赞助了一个比赛,加州大学伯克利分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley)六名学生组成的一个打《星际争霸II》(StarCraftII)的团队赢得了4万美元奖金。

    Last year , Azubu , a games media company , sponsored a competition that awarded $ 40000 in prize money to six students on a StarCraft II team from University of California , Berkeley .

  26. 那简直是巨响我没有听过比那更响的噪音要知道在《舞林争霸》上我可是坐在MarryMurphy旁边的

    It was so loud , it was the loudest noise I 've ever heard , and I 've sat next to Marry Murphy on So You Think You Can Dance .

  27. 噢,更像“变形金刚”里的MeganFox或者“星际大争霸”里的KateeSackhoff。

    Howard : Well , you know , more like Megan Fox from Transformers . Or Katee Sackhoff from Battlestar Galactica .

  28. 开课的第一年,校方会在Dota2、英雄联盟(LOL)、反恐精英(CS)和星际争霸2中挑选出2款电竞游戏。

    Two will be offered in the first year , with Dota 2 , League of Legends , Counter-Strike : Global Offensive , and Starcraft II all under consideration .

  29. 上小学时,申敏中每天放学后都会和朋友结伴去网吧玩上三四个小时的《星际争霸》(StarCraft)。

    At elementary school Shin bonded with his friends at an internet cafe playing StarCraft for three to four hours a day after classes finished .

  30. 首先是改进星际争霸中的所有功能,其次是在一款RTS游戏中实现独到而新颖的游戏玩法。

    The first is to improve all the features of the original StarCraft ; the second to implement an absolutely new approach to singleplayer in an RTS game .