
  • 网络MDC;Movement for Democratic Change
  1. 争取民主变革运动说,至少有20名成员遇害。

    The MDC says at least 20 of its members have been killed .

  2. 争取民主变革运动还赢得了议会选举和大部分地方政府的选举。

    The MDC also won the parliamentary elections and most local government elections .

  3. 津巴布韦“争取民主变革运动”领导人茨万吉拉伊拒绝非洲联盟提出的建立民族团结政府的呼吁。

    Zimbabwe Opposition Rejects Unity Government , Mbeki Mediation

  4. 这位争取民主变革运动的候选人说,很多人被打死,很多人被弄得无家可归。

    The MDC candidate said too many had died , and too many had been displaced .

  5. 然而争取民主变革运动的侯选人茨万吉拉伊确实胜过了执政党津巴布韦非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线的侯选人,也就是在任总统穆加贝。

    MDC candidate Morgan Tsvangirai nevertheless decisively outpolled incumbent President Mugabe , the ruling party Zanu-PF candidate .

  6. 穆加贝星期二在议会开始发表演说时,争取民主变革运动的议员对他讥讽起哄。

    Mr. Mugabe had been jeered and heckled by MDC legislators Tuesday during his opening address at parliament .

  7. “争取民主变革运动”星期二致函选举委员会,正式退出总统决选。

    The MDC on Tuesday handed a letter to the electoral commission formally withdrawing from the presidential runoff .

  8. 与此同时,在哈拉雷的低等法院把指控争取民主变革运动秘书长比迪犯有叛国罪的审判推迟到十一月。

    Meanwhile , the Harare lower court has postponed the treason case against MDC Secretary General Tendai Biti to November .

  9. 就在这个星期,反对党支持者为“争取民主变革运动”的一位司机举行了大规模葬礼。这个司机在被杀害之前受到残酷折磨。

    Just this week a large funeral was held for an MDC driver who was brutally tortured before being killed .

  10. 去年,南部非洲发展共同体授权姆贝基充当“争取民主变革运动”和“非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线”之间的调停人。

    Mr. Mbeki was last year mandated by the Southern African Development Community to mediate talks between the MDC and ZANU-PF .

  11. 人们唱起广受欢迎的争取民主变革运动的歌曲,其中一些歌曲嘲笑执政的津巴布韦非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线的穆加贝和他的同僚。

    People sang popular MDC songs , some of which mock Mr. Mugabe and his colleagues in the ruling ZANU-PF party .

  12. 茨万吉拉伊领导的争取民主变革运动的一位发言人谴责穆加贝的言论是向津巴布韦人民宣战。

    A spokesman for Morgan Tsvangirai 's MDC has condemned the comments as a declaration of war against the people of Zimbabwe .

  13. 茨万吉拉伊说,下星期六,许多人将投争取民主变革运动的票,所有操纵选举和舞弊的现象将会被战胜。

    He said that so many people would vote for the MDC next Saturday that any rigging and cheating would be overcome .

  14. 几乎所有接受人权律师或医生采访的人都说,他们遭到袭击是因为他们投票给争取民主变革运动。

    Nearly all those interviewed by rights lawyers or doctors say they were attacked because they voted for the MDC in the elections .

  15. “非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线”和“争取民主变革运动”都同意,要使津巴布韦摆脱经济困境,建立一个包括各方的政府是必要的。

    There is agreement by both ZANU-PF and MDC that an inclusive government is needed to bring Zimbabwe out of its economic chaos .

  16. 另一方面,至少三名争取民主变革运动的活动人士在他们的居住地区宾杜拉被绑架,那里距离哈拉雷大约有40公里远。

    Meanwhile , at least three MDC activists have been abducted from their home area , Bindura , about 40 kilometers from Harare .

  17. 争取民主变革运动说,这些被逮捕的人大部分是母亲和儿童,以及其它政治暴力的受害者,他们在哈拉雷的争取民主变革运动党总部寻求庇护。

    The MDC said most were mothers and children and other victims of political violence who had sought shelter at party 's Harare office .

  18. 这位反对党领袖宣布这项决定之前,效忠穆加贝总统的激进分子封锁了争取民主变革运动的主要竞选场地。

    The opposition leader announced his decision after militants loyal to President Robert Mugabe blocked the site of the MDC 's main campaign rally .

  19. 在这个消息公布之前,反对党争取民主变革运动宣布,它相信自己的领导人茨万吉拉伊在总统竞选中赢得50%以上的选票。津巴布韦选举委员会公布的最新结果显示,争取民主变革运动及其联盟将在议会中占有具有历史意义和微弱的多数。

    The Zimbabwe Election Commission 's latest results indicate that the MDC and its allies will have an historic , small , parliamentary majority .

  20. 当宣布选举结果的时候,执政党秘书穆南加格瓦抱怨争取民主变革运动在选举中进行贿赂而取胜。

    When the results were announced , ruling party secretary Emmerson Mnangagwa , made complaints accusing the MDC of bribing its way to victory .

  21. 一位专业人士说,虽然这些谈判代表着希望,但是如果谈判失败,那么他认为争取民主变革运动将不得不采取更为激进的路线。

    One professional man said while these negotiations represent hope , if the talks fail he believes the MDC will have to become more militant .

  22. 其他人说,这样做不会停止穆加贝的暴力活动,而且暴力活动还会继续,直到争取民主变革运动全部消失。

    Others say this will not stop Mr. Mugabe 's campaign of violence and that he will carry on until the MDC has disappeared altogether .

  23. 库马洛说,尽管争取民主变革运动领导人茨万吉拉伊退出了总统决选,很多选民表示仍然把票投给了他。

    He said even though Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai withdrew from the runoff , many people said they voted for him anyway .

  24. 在南非的谈判人员面临两项修正案,一项是司法部拟写的,另一项是茨万吉拉伊的争取民主变革运动拟写的。

    Negotiators in South Africa are faced with two amendments , one written by the ministry of justice and one by Mr. Tsvangirai 's MDC .

  25. 茨万吉拉伊到荷兰大使馆避难之前,津巴布韦警方袭击了争取民主变革运动党的总部,并逮捕了数十名反对派的支持者。

    Tsvangirai 's move to the Dutch embassy followed a police raid on his party 's headquarters and the arrest of dozens of opposition supporters .

  26. 比迪同时也是争取民主变革运动的首席谈判代表。他在六月份被指控。他的律师说,指控比迪的证据是伪造的。

    Biti , who is also the MDC 's chief negotiator was charged in June , and his lawyer says the evidence against him is fraudulent .

  27. 预计,预备性会谈将产生一项初步协议,用于指导津巴布韦反对党“争取民主变革运动”和执政党“非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线”之间的正式会谈。

    The preparatory talks are expected to produce a preliminary agreement which will govern formal negotiations between both factions of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change and ZANU-PF .

  28. 茨万吉拉伊说,在这种条件下不可能进行任何谈判。他说,在举行会谈之前,必须首先结束暴力,释放所有被关押的“争取民主变革运动”的支持者。

    Tsvangirai says negotiations under these conditions are not possible and that before any talks can take place violence must end and jailed MDC supporters must be released .

  29. 这次集会是在一个露天场地举行的,这个党的官员说,这是由于警方拒绝争取民主变革运动使用哈拉雷的任何一个体育场。

    The rally was held in an open field because the police denied the MDC access to any of the city 's stadiums , according to party officials .

  30. 荷兰外交部说,外交部是稍早时候作出这一决定的。在这之前,争取民主变革运动曾要求在必要的时候给予帮助。

    The ministry said the decision had been made earlier by the Foreign Minister following a request for assistance , should it be needed , from the MDC .