
  • 网络Bulawayo;Buq
  1. 岩片受前布拉瓦约侵蚀面切割。

    The slices are truncated by the pre-bulawayan erosion surface .

  2. 在侦探给他总部在布拉瓦约的报纸,独立的标准报,打了好几次电话后,诺巴尼·诺德乌自己向警方投案,被捕,新闻日报在其网络版上报道。

    Nqobani Ndlovu was arrested when he handed himself to police after detectives called his Bulawayo-based newspaper , the independent The Standard , several times , NewsDay reported on its online edition .

  3. 独立的津巴布韦选举支持网络说,该组织的9400名观察员大部分住在远离哈拉雷和布拉瓦约等大城市的地方,很难在6月27号投票之前获得认证。

    The independent Zimbabwe Election Support Network said many of its 9400 observers live too far from the major cities of Harare and Bulawayo to get accredited before the June 27 poll .

  4. 争取民主变革运动创建时的法律秘书、代表布拉瓦约竞选参议员的科尔塔特说,他的记录表明,在这个有4万多名注册选民的选区里,只有1万6千人参与了投票。

    Founding MDC legal secretary , David Coltart , who was standing for the senate in Bulawayo , says he recorded 16000 people turned up to vote in a constituency of more than 40000 registered voters .

  5. 不过库马洛和其他观察员说,投票率非常低。例如在津巴布韦第二大城市布拉瓦约的一个投票站,有22票投给穆加贝,14票投给茨万吉拉伊,另外有12张污损票。

    But Khumalo and other observers says the turnout was very low , such as one polling station in the second city Bulawayo , where there were 22 votes for Mr. Mugabe , 14 for Tsvangirai and 12 defaced papers .