
  • 网络lasiopodomys brandtii;Microtus brandti;Microtus brandti Radde
  1. 布氏田鼠肝脏内线粒体蛋白含量及细胞色素c氧化酶活性的变化

    Changes of cytochrome c oxidase activity and mitochondrial protein content of Microtus brandti liver

  2. 布氏田鼠G带染色体研究

    Study on the G , Banded Chromosomes of Microtus brandti Radds

  3. C型肉毒梭菌毒素防制布氏田鼠的试验

    The Field Trial of Brandt 's Vole Control with Botulin C

  4. PCR方法筛选布氏田鼠小片断插入微卫星文库

    Screening of Small-insert Genomic DNA Libraries for Brandt 's voles by PCR

  5. 共获得116个阳性克隆,测序结果显示37个包含布氏田鼠微卫星DNA序列,28个具完整的侧翼序列。

    A total of 116 positive colonies were obtained , the sequence testing indicated that 37 of those colonies contained a microsatellite insert and 28 contained full flanking sequence .

  6. 布氏田鼠肥满度分析和小型兽类肥满度指标K与K(WL)(重长指标)的比较

    Analysis of relative fatness of brandt 's voles and a comparison between relative fatness K and k_ ( wl )( weight / length index ) in small mammals

  7. 越冬前布氏田鼠(Microtusbrandti)储草行为与储草种类选择的研究

    Study on the Behavior Forage and Selection for Storage of Forage plants of Brandt 's Vole ( Microtus brandti ) Before Overwintering

  8. 结果表明,冷暴露能够诱导布氏田鼠BAT细胞增补和UCP基因表达,从而使适应性产热增加。

    The results suggested that cold exposure could induce the recruitment of BAT cell and the expression of UCP gene , resulting in the increase of adaptive thermogenesis in Brandt 's voles .

  9. 与对照组相比,布氏田鼠的褐色脂肪组织(BAT)重量在冷暴露12h~3d时降低,7~21d时则增加。

    Compared with the control , the weight of BAT and the total contents of DNA in BAT decreased during cold exposure from 12 hours to 3 days , but increased significantly from 7 to 28 days .

  10. 布氏田鼠(Microtusbrandti)是典型的草原鼠种,其种群内亲缘关系的确定对于研究种群动态具重要意义。

    Brandt s voles ( Microtus brandti ) is one of the typical species of the pasture rodents . It s important to estimate the kinship of the individuals in a group when investigating the population development .

  11. 记录各实验组中布氏田鼠在观察箱内(两个大小为37cm×27cm×17cm的有机塑料箱合并而成)10min内发生的非对抗行为频次和对抗行为频次。

    The non-agnostic and agnostic behavior of the voles were observed for ten minutes in an observation box which was made by placing two boxes together ( each box was 37 cm × 27 cm × 17 cm ) .

  12. 布氏田鼠种群趋势预报指标的研究

    Study on Tendency Prediction of Population Fluctuation of Brandt 's Voles

  13. 不同不育比例对布氏田鼠种群增长的影响

    Effect of Different Sterility Rates on Brandt ′ s Vole Population

  14. 布氏田鼠洞群内群体结构的研究

    On the colonial structure of brandt 's vole in burrow units

  15. 布氏田鼠综合防制的研究

    A Study on the Integrated Control of Brandt 's Vole

  16. 密度因素在布氏田鼠种群调节中的作用

    Density factor in the regulation of brandt 's vole population

  17. 布氏田鼠适应性产热的性别差异

    The sex difference of brandt 's voles in adaptive thermogenesis

  18. 布氏田鼠空间分布格局的季节动态

    Seasonal dynamics of the spatial paterns of brandt 's voles

  19. 成年布氏田鼠对个体气味信号的识别与记忆

    Memory and Recognition of Conspecific Odors in Brandt 's Vole

  20. 灭鼠后布氏田鼠种群特征的研究

    Study on characteristics of population of brandt 's vole after rodent control

  21. 模拟条件下布氏田鼠对草原植被的作用2&鼠密度对植物群落结构及根系的影响

    The impact of voles density on plant community structure and root system

  22. 布氏田鼠数量调查方法的比较

    Comparison with the methods for Brandt 's vole population

  23. 布氏田鼠活动距离的研究

    Studies on the movement distance of Brandt 's Vole

  24. 从肥满度看布氏田鼠对气候环境的适应

    Adaptation of brandt 's vole to climatic environment in view of relative fatness

  25. 布氏田鼠封闭群建立及繁殖特性研究

    Establishment of cleaning grade closed colony of Microtus brandti and reproductive traits analysis

  26. 毒芹挥发性成份中具有驱避布氏田鼠的作用分子结构比较复杂。

    The molecular structure of repellent component is complex .

  27. 布氏田鼠鼠害生态治理方法的设计及其应用

    The design for the ecological management of brandt 's vole pest and its application

  28. 观察箱内成年雄性布氏田鼠间的行为和行为序

    Behaviours and sequences of behaviours of adult male brandt 's voles in the enclosures

  29. 围栏及灭鼠后布氏田鼠种群动态的初步研究

    A preliminary study on population dynamic of brandt 's vole after fence and rodent control

  30. 布氏田鼠雄性的优势地位

    Social Dominance of Male Brandt 's Vole