
  • 网络Gaizhou City
  1. 盖州市大清河流域水土流失综合治理研究

    Study on Comprehensive Control of Soil Erosion and Water Loss along Daqing River Basin

  2. 论文研究目的是为盖州市乡镇企业提供切实可行的发展道路。

    The aim of this thesis is to provide an actual developmental road for it .

  3. 基于对盖州市乡镇企业发展所处阶段和模式的分析,为了实现其向新的发展模式的过渡,需要实施结构调整战略、市场开发战略和外向型战略。

    For the sake of the transition to the new style , the structure adjustment strategies , marketing exploration strategy and abroad oriented strategies are to be realized .