
ɡài ěr yǔ
  • Gaelic
  1. 盖尔语有非常深厚的诗歌传统。

    There 's a very rich poetic tradition in Gaelic .

  2. 我们在学校不允许讲盖尔语。

    We weren 't allowed to speak Gaelic at school .

  3. 在这里可以听见各不相同的盖尔语。

    Gaelic can be heard here in manifold forms

  4. 盖尔语多年来一直濒于消亡,尽管如今孩子们还在学校学习这门语言。

    Gaelic has been a dying language for many years , though children are nowadays taught it in school

  5. 总部设在都柏林、致力于推广盖尔语的ForasnaGaeilge的市场行销总监BreandanMacCraith表示,语言不仅是只能在书本上出现的东西,这一点极为重要。

    Breandan Mac Craith , marketing director for Dublin-based Foras na Gaeilge , which promotes Gaelic , says , 'It 's extremely important that language isn 't something that 's only in books . '

  6. Cuil公司表示,还开发出了一项技术,使索引所需的存储空间的处理能力,只是谷歌庞大的服务器农场所使用的一小部分。Cuil发音为酷,源自于盖尔语,意为知识。

    Cuil , pronounced cool , from the Gaelic word meaning knowledge , says it has also developed technology that makes the index require a fraction of the storage and processing power used by Google 's vast server farms .

  7. 以前马恩岛上的人所说的盖尔语。

    The Gaelic language formerly spoken on the Isle of man .

  8. 苏格兰高地部分地区说盖尔语。

    Gaelic is spoken in some parts of Highlands in Scotland .

  9. 盖尔语在苏格兰已经使用了几世纪了。

    Gaelic has been spoken by the people of Scotland for centuries .

  10. 不能用盖尔语发表获奖感言我真是遗憾啊。

    I 'm really sad I couldn 't give a speech in Gaelic .

  11. 在盖尔语中,格呢披肩其实就是“毯子”的意思。

    The Gaelic plaid actually means " blanket " .

  12. 在经济地位与军事力量的双重压力下,盖尔语被英语逐步蚕食。

    Under the economic and military pressure , Gaelic was nibbled by English .

  13. 居住在爱尔兰或苏格兰或人类岛的说盖尔语的凯尔特人。

    A Gaelic-speaking Celt in Ireland or Scotland or the Isle of Man .

  14. 他们用盖尔语对我大声回话,大笑着。

    They shouted back in Gaelic , and laughed .

  15. 但是艾伦用盖尔语对他们说话。

    But Alan spoke to them in Gaelic .

  16. 哦,太可惜了,我还想听听盖尔语呢!

    Tracy : I am Scottish but unfortunately I 've never learnt to speak Gaelic .

  17. 中古英语是大约1100年到1500年之间的英国语言;中古盖尔语。

    Middle English is the English language from about 1100 to 1500 ; Middle Gaelic .

  18. 盖尔语仍然是现用语。

    Gaelic is still a living language .

  19. 而会说盖尔语的儿童比会说撒丁语的儿童则要更加成功。

    The Gaelic-speaking children were , in turn , more successful than the Sardinian speakers .

  20. 分布于苏格兰的盖尔语。

    The Gaelic language of Scotland .

  21. 在我们的岛上古老的盖尔语似乎永远被拉丁语所取代(麦考利)。

    In our island the Latin appears never to have superseded the old Gaelic speech ( Macaulay ) .

  22. 然后他站起来,用盖尔语对我飞快地说起来,那我听不懂。

    Then he stood up and spoke fast to me in Gaelic , which I could not understand .

  23. 今天美国人比以往任何时候都能好的多地接触到德语、波兰语、盖尔语。

    An American has far better access today than ever before to texts in German or Polish or Gaelic .

  24. 她用苏格兰的盖尔语演唱,并在世界巡回表演过盖尔音乐。

    She sings in Scottish Gaelic and spends her time touring around the world performing Gaelic music and song .

  25. 在苏格兰盖尔语当中,一些人认为“罗斯林”有“瀑布当中的一点”的意思,但是另一些人则认为它有“从远古时代流传下来的知识”的意思。

    Roslyn means'point of the waterfall'in Scottish Gaelic according to some , or'ancient knowledge down the line'according to others .

  26. 为了确认是我,他教我吹一首盖尔语小曲。

    In order to be sure that it was me , he taught me to whistle a little Gaelic song .

  27. 属于或关于苏格兰、苏格兰人、苏格兰文化、苏格兰方言、苏格兰盖尔语的,或有其特点的。

    Of or relating to or characteristic of Scotland or its people or culture or its English dialect or Gaelic language .

  28. 它属于凯尔特语系,与英格兰语、盖尔语、威尔士语和布列塔尼语关系密切。

    It is one of the Celtic family of languages and is closely related to Scots gaelic , Welsh and breton .

  29. 而会说盖尔语的儿童更有优势,这可能是因为这种语言进行了正式讲授并存在着大量的文献。

    The further advantage for Gaelic-speaking children may have been due to the formal teaching of the language and its extensive literature .

  30. 尽管在高地和西部岛屿还能听到盖尔语,但英语却遍及全苏格兰。

    Though the Gaelic language is still heard in the Highlands and western isles , the English language is spoken all over the Scotland .