
  1. 尽管已在NASA“好奇号”探测车正在探测的盖尔陨石坑(GaleCrater)的那座山上发现了两处疑似条纹,前述禁令可能依然有效。那里距离“好奇号”的原定路线一两英里。

    That prohibition may continue even though two candidate streaks have been identified on the mountain in Gale Crater that NASA 's Curiosity rover is now exploring , a mile or two from its planned path .

  2. 核动力发射的“好奇号”将探索其登陆地点“盖尔陨石坑”(galecrater)的化学和地质情况,为科学家关于火星是否曾有原始生命的研究提供证据。

    The nuclear-powered curiosity will then explore the chemistry and geology of the gale crater , the landing site , providing evidence for scientists to assess whether or not primitive life has ever lived on Mars .

  3. 在新闻发布会结束后接受采访时,来自NASA的格林表示,如果盖尔陨石坑的条纹结果是季节性坡纹,NASA会考虑多年接受紫外线照射的“好奇号”,可能会给潜在的火星居住环境造成多大程度的污染威胁。

    In an interview after the news conference , Dr. Green of NASA said that if the streaks in Gale Crater turned out to be recurring slope linae , the space agency would consider how great a contamination threat Curiosity , irradiated by ultraviolet light for several years , might pose to a potential Martian habitat .

  4. 如果你的传送门足够大,涌进来的水会把盖尔陨石坑填成一个大湖,就跟在地球上一样。

    If our portal is big enough , the water will start to turn Gale Crater into a lake , just like it would on Earth .

  5. “好奇号”目前在火星一处叫作盖尔陨石坑的低洼地上,洼地的中间有一座小山,人们喜欢叫它“夏普山”。

    Curiosity is sitting in Gale Crater , a round depression in the Martian surface with a peak , nicknamed Mount Sharp , in the center .

  6. 他们已决定好奇号漫游车在火星的一个山脚下登陆,这个地点位于一个叫做盖尔陨石坑的很深、150公里宽的低洼地带。

    They have decided it is going to be at the foot of a mountain that 's located within a deep , 150-kilometer-wide depression called Gale Crater .