
ɡài ěr rén
  • Gael
  1. 古代盖尔人的歌曲一代代流传下来。

    The ancient Gaelic songs have been handed down from generation to generation .

  2. 成立于1884年的“盖尔人运动协会”其初衷是发展爱尔兰传统的文化与运动。

    Formed in1884 , the GAA was designed to promote traditional Irish culture and sports .

  3. 信奉天主教的盖尔人举行起义,屠杀了12000名新教徒。

    In an act of revolt , the Catholic Gaels rose and slaughtered 12,000 Protestants .

  4. 但这些事情在盖尔人运动协会就行不通。

    But that 's not how things work in the Gaelic Athletic Association ( GAA ) .

  5. 当阿尔斯特地区信奉天主教的盖尔人起义时,英国议会通过移民条例。

    When the Catholic Gaels of Ulster rebelled , the British Parliament passed the Articles of Plantation .

  6. 为了保持它的目标相一致,“盖尔人运动协会”努力发展爱尔兰的运动与文化传统。

    In keeping with its mission , the GAA promotes a range of Irish sports and cultural traditions .

  7. 死神节:盖尔人(苏格兰和爱尔兰的凯尔特人)庆祝丰收季节结束的节日。

    Samhain : The Festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of the Gaelic harvest season .

  8. 盖尔人的盖尔人的或与盖尔人有关的这是像比尔·盖茨这样学生的理想环境。

    Of or relating to the Gaels . It was the ideal environment for someone like Bill Gates .

  9. 盖尔人在家里挂上槲寄生植物以给自己带来好运和驱除邪恶。

    Celts hung mistletoe in their homes in order to bring themselves good luck and ward off evil spirits .

  10. 后来,凯尔特人被半凯尔特的盖尔人变成了基督徒,但猎首的做法仍在继续。

    Later , the Celts were converted to Christianity by the demi-Celtic Gaels , but the practice of head-hunting continued .

  11. 她的作品将盖尔人的传统、神话与十分现代的社会意识和个人风格融为一体。

    In her work she combines the Gaelic tradition and mythology with a fully modern social awareness and a personal style .

  12. 凯尔特人最初来自于东欧及中欧,他们入侵英国分三次高潮:第一次是盖尔人;第二次是布立吞人;第三次是比利其人。

    The Celts may originally have come from eastern and central Europe , they came to Britain in three main waves : the first wave was the Gaels , the second was Britons and the third was Belgae .

  13. 此前,34岁的盖尔.威廉斯被人杀害。

    The announcement follows the killing of34-year-old Gayle Williams .

  14. 居住在爱尔兰或苏格兰或人类岛的说盖尔语的凯尔特人。

    A Gaelic-speaking Celt in Ireland or Scotland or the Isle of Man .

  15. 1971年,在作为爱尔兰阿伦群岛一部分的伊尼什曼岛,学生们在学习用盖尔语(爱尔兰人的语言)阅读和写作,以保存他们的遗产。

    In 1971 , students on Inishmaan , part of Ireland 's Aran Islands , studied reading and writing Gaelic , the Irish language , to preserve their heritage .